Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) Candidates
The ANG is a military organization primarily responsible for supporting various state missions (e.g., alert, disaster relief, etc.) while also occasionally deploying overseas as a reserve component of the active duty Air Force.
The ANG flies almost all of the same aircraft available in active duty (e.g., F-35, F-22, F-16, F-15, A-10, B-2, C-130, C-17, KC-135, KC-46, HH-60, and many more). Each state has at least one flying mission (e.g., the TN ANG flies the KC-135, the LA ANG flies the F-15, and the MN ANG flies both the F-16 and C-130–every state is unique). Aircrew will be either hired directly by a squadron to attend UPT or transition to the Guard/Reserve from active duty (any branch). They will attend the same exact training in the same classes as their active duty counterparts.
ANG aircrew are subject to the same commitment as the active duty Air Force (e.g., 10 years of service for pilots after completing Undergraduate Pilot Training); however you can fulfill that commitment as either a full-time or part-time member of that squadron.
The Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) is a Major Command (MAJCOM) of the active duty Air Force, providing combat-ready forces to Fly, Fight and Win.
The AFRC currently performs about 20 percent of the work of the Air Force, including traditional flying missions and other more specialized missions, such as Weather Reconnaissance (Hurricane Hunters), Modular Aerial Fire Fighting (MAFFs), and Personnel Recovery (Pararescuemen).
Applicants applying for a pilot slot in the AFRC can be “sponsored” (hired by a specific squadron) or “unsponsored” (hired by the AFRC and assigned a squadron later). Upon completion of pilot training, members incur the same service commitment as active duty but have the option of serving in either a full-time or part-time status.
The Air Force is a full-time, federal organization primarily used to fight and support conflicts worldwide. Approximately every three years, you will move to a different location and potentially fly a different aircraft based on the needs of the Air Force.
The Air Force pilot training commitment requires 10 years of full-time service after completing Undergraduate Pilot Training.
Based on the needs of the Air Force at the time, the active duty will determine what you fly and where you will live until your Active Duty Service Commitment is fulfilled (approximately 12-year commitment: 1-2 years to complete UPT and then a 10-year service commitment after earning your wings).
Unlike the AF, the ANG allows you to apply directly to specific squadrons that fly specific aircraft in specific locations (use our Squadron Map function to determine which states fly which aircraft). If hired, you will attend training to fly that same type of aircraft so you can return to fly for the state that hired you. For example, if the SC ANG hires you, you would attend UPT and go on to fly the F-16 (because that’s what they fly in the SC ANG) and know that you will return to the Columbia, SC area following the completion of F-16 training.
Unlike active duty aircrew, ANG aircrew also have the flexibility to fulfill their service commitment in a full-time or part-time capacity once the initial training is complete.
1. Frequently check the BogiDope Job Board as well as any other sources to get the latest application deadlines and details
2. Take the AFOQT and TBAS
3. Create a great cover letter and resume (that’s where we can help)
4. Accumulate 3-5 Letters of Recommendation
5. Request copies of your college transcripts (if still in school, remember that GPA is often more important than degree type)
6. Complete your Private Pilot’s Certificate (not required but highly recommended)
7. If already in the military, copies of your last three OPRs/EPRs
You must be exactly 33 years old or younger by the UPT Selection Board announcement message (generally two months after the hiring board convenes). Age waivers to approve a candidate beyond the maximum age are not uncommon.
Rated Military Pilots
We recommend submitting your application approximately two years before your active duty separation. Most squadrons conduct hiring boards once a year, so this strategy allows for two opportunities (if needed) to get hired at each squadron of interest before leaving active duty.
PALACE CHASE is an Air Force program that allows active duty members to convert part of their remaining active duty service commitment into a commitment in the Guard or Reserve.
According to DAFI 36-3211, PALACE CHASE program eligibility starts when you have completed two-thirds of your initial service commitment. However, the needs of the Air Force (e.g., the current Air Force pilot shortage) will determine how early a transfer to the Guard/Reserve will be permitted.
It is recommended to start the PALACE CHASE process at least 120 days before your desired active duty separation.
PALACE FRONT is a program that allows an active duty member who serves all of their active duty service commitment (i.e., non-PALACE CHASE) to transition to the Guard or Reserve the day after separation from active duty. PALACE FRONT ensures there is no break in service during the Guard/Reserve transition.
The process can start up to 180 days before separation. Notably, there are often bonuses available for those who PALACE FRONT.
If you are on 30 days or more of continuous military orders, your pay and benefits will be exactly the same as they would be on active duty.
If you are a part-time ANG pilot, you will be paid for each individual day you show up to work. There are several different types of orders with unique benefits, but as a basic formula to determine how much each day is worth, add your base pay and fly pay together and divide that number by 30 (days in the month). That amount is considered one period (1/2 day of work). Unless you’re intentionally only working a half-day, you will be paid for two periods each time you work at the squadron.
For example, using the 2022 pay charts, a Major with over 12 years of military service and over six years of aviation service has a base pay of $8,285 and $1,000 of flight pay per month. $8,285 + $1,000 = $9,285/30 days = $310 per period. Typically, you’ll work a full day (i.e., two periods), so $310 x 2 = $620 per day. If you average 3-6 days in the squadron per month, your annual salary will be between $22,000 and $45,000 without including any TDYs or deployments.
Membership & Coaching
Think of all the hard work you’ve already put in throughout your journey to get to this point. Regardless of being an experienced military pilot or applying for UPT, the college exams, AFOQT, flight time, upgrades, deployments, resumes, cover letters, networking, etc., add up to a lot of time, effort and money. This application and interview are the final hurdles standing between you and a life-altering multi-million-dollar career change, family stability, and/or that dream aircraft or location. No pressure, right? With so much to gain, is this really the time to wing it? Of course not, yet many still try – and fail. This will likely be the only hiring board that particular squadron has this year. You can’t afford to squander your chances with a lack of preparation.
Our team of Coaches has decades of experience in active duty, ANG, AFRC, fighters, heavies, airlines, UPT/rated hiring boards, etc. Working directly with someone who has navigated the process themselves—and helped dozens of others–-will save you time and money trying to figure it out on your own.
1. Purchase your desired coaching type HERE.
2. Once your purchase is complete (required), schedule your session(s) on the Scheduling page.
3. Follow the instructions at the bottom of the Scheduling page for each respective consultation type.
4. Once scheduled, you will get an email confirmation with important details for your upcoming consultation.
Note: You can schedule all of your consultations before completing your first 1-on-1.
You can reschedule/cancel your appointment without penalty up to 24 hours prior to your scheduled consultation.
There are three options:
1. Save the initial verification email received after signing up. It contains links to reschedule/cancel.
2. If you created an AcuityScheduling account (our 3rd party scheduling provider) when scheduling the initial consultation (not required), you can sign in to access your appointment details to reschedule/cancel.
3. If all else fails, just email or text your consultant directly or at consulting@bogidope.com.
We do! These are perfect if you’re just getting started and want to create an actionable roadmap strategically tailored to achieving your career goals, or if you have some specific questions you’d like to discuss outside the realm of our traditional application and interview packages.
Click HERE to schedule your 45-minute General Strategy Session.
We do! If you’d like another application reviewed or more interview practice, we’re here to help. You can schedule as many additional 1-on-1’s as desired.
They are scheduled in one-hour blocks and can be tailored to any specific areas you want to focus on. Click HERE to schedule your additional 1-on-1.
No. Take as much time as you need. If you’re in a rush, we’ll do our best to ensure all of your consultations are completed before any upcoming deadlines or interviews. If, on the other hand, you want to space your consultations out over weeks, months, or even years, go for it! We’re here to help whenever you’re ready.
An email confirmation will be sent after you schedule your application review session(s) with specific instructions. You can reply to that email with your attached drafts (it will automatically be forwarded to your coach), email your chosen coach directly (email addresses located on the About Us bios), or as a last resort, email consulting@bogidope.com.
Purchase the MilPilot Academy tier you’d like and then email us at support@bogidope.com explaining your intent to upgrade. We will cancel your current MilPilot Membership tier and prorate any remaining balance into your new MilPilot Academy account.
Click on your username in the upper right corner of the screen (desktop) to see a dropdown of account admin options. Select Account –>Orders –> Subscriptions to cancel/change/renew your membership.
Yes, we do! We firmly stand behind the quality of our products and will refund 100% of your money within 30 days of purchase if you aren’t satisfied with your experience.