Guard/Reserve Pilot Jobs

Bogidope's job board syncs to milrecruiter

All UPT & Rated jobs now posted on MilRecruiter

MilRecruiter is a new, secure, UPT/Rated pilot application portal created by the BogiDope team.  Now you have complete control over posting squadron announcements, UPT/Rated application details, FAQs, and how to rush your squadron; as well as collecting, sorting, and filtering an unlimited number of digital applications–saving your team countless hours of work.

Any UPT or Rated job announcements will automatically sync and display on the BogiDope job board.

Watch this quick overview to learn more

Key Features

Job Announcements

No more requesting permission to post a job announcement.  You have complete control to post, edit, delete as required.

Squadron Page

Tired of answering the same questions from prospects?  Direct them to your squadron page for announcements, squadron overview, rushing information, & FAQs.

Digital Applications

Collecting digital applications throughout the year allows you to build a bigger applicant pool without any extra work.  Then sort/filter the list instantly to find the best fit.

Customize App Requirements

Customize your application requirements by adding required forms or questionnaires.  The applicant won’t be able to submit until those forms are completed. 

Team Collaboration

Add as many squadron members, recruiters, or HRO reps as desired.  You can leave group and private notes on each applicant to collectively narrow down the pool.

Applicant Rankings

Similar to high school athletes, rank applicants 1-5 stars.  It displays the average ranking from all of your squadron members to help find the top talent.


You have questions, we have answers

If you’re familiar with the airline application process, think of MilRecruiter as the Pilot Credentials or Airline Apps for Guard/Reserve pilot jobs.  It is a centralized, secure, digital application portal.

It gives applicants the ability to quickly and easily find consolidated hiring board information as well as submit/update applications to any/all squadrons throughout the year.

It gives squadrons the ability to control the hiring board information in one centralized place as well as collect UPT and Rated applications throughout the year.  You can now sort through an infinite number of applications using the key metrics you care about the most at any time with just a click of the mouse.

Ultimately, MilRecruiter was created by the founders of BogiDope to make the current Guard/Reserve pilot application process more efficient and much less time consuming for both the applicants and squadrons.

When you post a new or updated job on MilRecruiter, it automatically syncs with BogiDope to display on the job board.  When someone clicks on the BogiDope announcement, it will redirect them to your MilRecruiter squadron page where the job announcement is located.

BogiDope and MilRecruiter sync every five hours, so any new/updated job postings will display on BogiDope within 5 hours of when input into MilRecruiter.

There’s no catch.

It obviously costs money to create, maintain, and build new features for something like this.  However, our up front goal is to eventually get a DoD contract to make this the universally accepted application process for all squadrons.  That would allow us to continue to build features you request without charging any individual squadron or applicant.

Side Note: If you have experience with SBIR or STTR contract proposals and want to help, contact us at

It takes about 2 minutes to create an account (HERE).  Input some basic contact information, verify you email, select your squadron, and then wait to be approved by one of your squadron managers.  That’s it!

If you’re the first person to sign up for your squadron, there will be an additional verification step to ensure you are part of your claimed squadron.  Once that first person is verified by a MilRecruiter admin, he or she will now be able to approve/deny future requests for access to that squadron.

As many as you want.  Add your entire squadron, recruiting department, and Human Resource office if you choose.

Anyone who has access to a specific squadron will fall into one of two categories: Squadron Manager or Squadron Rep.  All of the permissions are the same with the exception that Squadron Managers can approve, deny, or delete other squadron members from squadron access.

By default, the first person to get access to a squadron becomes the first Squadron Manager.  That person (and any future Squadron Managers) will be notified whenever someone requests access to that squadron and has the ability to approve, deny, delete, and/or turn into another Squadron Manager.  There is no limit to how many Squadron Mangers vs Squadron Reps there are.


You can add as many squadron specific attachments to your job announcement as desired.  If the applicant selects your squadron as one of the squadrons they’re interested in, they will automatically be presented with all of your required forms to fill out before they can submit their app to your squadron.

No.  Even if you don’t use MilRecruiter to collect, sort, and filter applications, using MilRecruiter’s squadron page is how we will be presenting the squadron hiring information.  Your job announcements on MilRecruiter’s squadron page will automatically be displayed on BogiDope’s job board.

Not at this time.  This early version of MilRecruiter is specifically tailored/restricted to Guard/Reserve pilot positions, however…

We can now post non-pilot positions directly on BogiDope.  Go HERE to learn how.

No.  You describe in your job announcement what your official application process is.  If you prefer to still collect, sort, and filter paper applications/emails, that’s totally fine by us (even if we think it’s a waste of your time!).

As military pilots ourselves, we understand how risk adverse and resistant to change Air Force leadership often seems.  So, our goal is to earn your trust one step at a time.

We recommend that our first time users maintain their traditional application collection method as the “official” way to submit an app, while adding in the announcement that you’d ALSO like everyone to submit an app via MilRecruiter.  

This way you can compare the workload and results side-by-side.  This risk-free comparison can help determine if you go all-in on MilRecruiter for your next hiring board.  If you don’t like MilRecruiter, simply ignore the digital apps and stick with your traditional application method. or

If you would like to set up a demo call to address any concerns, please email

Like any good training mission, the debrief is where the most learning occurs.  We LOVE getting feedback (good and bad) and recommended ways to make this process better.  Please let us know what you think!

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