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Home Page Version 2 Forums Air Force Pausing Guard Applications to Go to Flight School-Looks bad?

  • Pausing Guard Applications to Go to Flight School-Looks bad?

    Posted by bryangros2020gmail-com on September 15, 2023 at 9:22 am

    Good morning,

    Does putting a pause on your applications to the Guard in order to pursue civilian flight school look bad?

    I’m 26 and I’ve already had an interview before with the Guard, but after waiting so long, I’ve decided to push for the airlines and wait until after to push for the guard.

    My goal is to get into aviation as soon as possible and also to serve my country as a pilot. The company I work for provides a deal I can’t pass up and my flight training would basically be paid for by Frontier and a cheap loan that I would be able to pay off within 1 year of joining Frontier. I would be getting a stipend and financially it looks strong. If I do this, I would start in April and be finished around September and flight instruct for 1.5 years, bringing me to 28 years old. Frontier FO training is 4 months and I would be locked into the F9 program so I would need to complete that (F9 works for me, I’m okay with the contract.) Immediately after this, I’m available for UPT. I wouldn’t officially be an employee with Frontier until after my FO training to my knowledge so couldn’t go off to AF training until then. I do plan to put in applications a little sooner than this with the hope timing lines up with it, but overall, do boards look at you and think “Well…you tried 2 years ago, stopped to pursue civilian path instead of putting in an app every year. Apparently you didn’t want this bad enough”? Or do they admire when someone pushes further into flight training?


    bryangros2020gmail-com replied 1 year, 1 month ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Husky

    September 18, 2023 at 7:26 pm
    15895 BogiPoints

    Bryan, dude congrats on getting picked up for that program. Getting more flying experience will make you an even more competitive applicant.

    I’d encourage you too keep your apps hot. Here’s why:

    1) if you get hired it may be a while before you actually swear in. That may give you the time to complete a commitment.

    2) There is a ton of legal protection to enable guard and reserve members to defend America. While I can’t speak to the specifics on your situation; there’s ton DOL info on USERRA. Here’s the link:

    • bryangros2020gmail-com

      September 18, 2023 at 9:36 pm
      50 BogiPoints

      Thanks Husky!

      Yeah, I’m definitely eager to lean on that law but if I go Frontier route I’m not an employee until I get an FO training date, so have a while for that.

      Hoping to be in a fighter sooner than later though

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