AFOQT block counting

  • AFOQT block counting

    Posted by Gus on June 3, 2024 at 11:56 am

    Hey Yall, I’ve been going through the Barron’s AFOQT study guide along with some others. It appears that there is some conflicting information regarding what classifies as blocks “touching”. Barron’s says that corners touching counts, whereas most other sources seem to only classify the face of blocks touching as counting. Somewhat confusing, any help and clarification would be appreciated.

    Allen replied 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Allen

    June 3, 2024 at 9:25 pm
    4270 BogiPoints

    I haven’t taken a Barron test yet, but all of the others (including those provided by Tutor Gunboss) do not count corners that touch. First I’ve heard that to be honest.

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