Went through Wright-Patterson about two months ago. Dental exam is pretty high level, however they will assess X-rays (taken there) and the dentist will do a quick exam. If you have dental work that needs remedied (wisdom teeth, cavities, etc.) they will typically have you go get them fixed and sign off on your physical after. I had a peer there who had to get wisdom teeth removed before they would sign him off. So he left with a temporary hold on his physical and they signed it off after he verified the dental work was complete.
To my knowledge, genetic analysis of your dental health won’t be assessed, however if you have very serious dental issues it could be a DQ. Would recommend checking the Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine waiver guide to view standards (https://www.afrl.af.mil/Portals/90/Documents/711/USAFSAM/Air%20Force%20Waiver%20Guide%20Compendium_20230921.pdf?ver=nctQQ9KZ1x717Adk3Dx2RQ%3d%3d). If you indicate you have a family history of dental issues on your pre-physical paperwork they’re going to dive deeper.
Personally, I went to the dentist prior to going to WPAFB to make sure everything was good and to avoid any surprises. Just a personal decision that made the dental part of the process seamless.
Disclaimer: I’m not a dentist or giving any medical advice, just speaking as someone who has recently been through the process.