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Hiring question
Posted by ChrisG on October 17, 2024 at 11:24 amDoes anyone know someone that got selected for a slot but applied somewhere else and got picked up by a different unit while waiting for dates? I was asked by someone who is unsure how this would look or if it’s even possible. For reference, individual was selected to be GBO and wants to fly
Husky replied 4 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 5 Replies -
5 Replies
21550 BogiPoints
I don’t have anyone specifically to connect you with, but generally speaking, this largely depends on how far along the process they already are with the job they’re trying to get out of. Is this for regAF, Guard, or Reserve? Have they been sworn in yet?
If they’ve just been verbally offered the job and are still waiting to swear in, they are a free agent and can accept a job at a different squadron for a different job. Once they officially join a unit (or the regAF), it becomes much more difficult to switch. Still possible, but a pain in the butt.
4875 BogiPoints
So my understanding is that they got offered the job at a guard unit, but swore in to an enlisted afsc as a place holder until they got their approval to appoint. So, they’re technically enlisted but waiting to enlist as an officer I suppose. They have also completed their physical at WP.
21550 BogiPoints
So, they’ve sworn in to “Wing A” for a non-flying gig but haven’t completed any training, and while waiting to start training for the job at Wing A, they were offered a pilot slot with “Wing B.” Is that correct?
If so, they would have to be released from Wing A before going to Wing B. The best way to do this would probably be for the leadership at Wing B to talk to the leadership at Wing A directly and make it happen through commander back channels. The other option would be for this person to reach out to the hiring POC at Wing A to explain the situation and request his/her support to transfer. In most cases, the POC from Wing A will be supportive since no training has occurred yet, and they will subsequently offer the job to their “alternate” from the original hiring board.
If anyone has personal experience with this kind of situation, please jump in to verify or correct any of my assumptions.
4875 BogiPoints
Thank you for the input. I’m sure it’s going to be beneficial either way!
24500 BogiPoints
Ya I’d second what Slap said. When I was a hiring guy I lost and gained folks in these situation. There are always ready alternates eager to jump at the chance and most units are jealous – they only want to love people who love them the most.
A difficult convo but I’d recommend your friend have it as early as possible.
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