• Profile photo of BogiDope

      BogiDope posted an update

      7 months ago

      🔥🔥We need your input! In order to finalize our August webinar schedule, we want to know what you want to learn about the most. Post any requests in the comments below.

      A few topics we were considering:
      UPT Basics
      IFF Basics
      Different Paths to Wings
      Air Force 101

      We’re open to completely different ideas too, so fire away!

      (We’ll still have office hours, mock interview practice, and test prep webianrs…this is specifically for the pilot lecture for the month).

      Ant, aburg22 and 2 others
      • I’d love to hear about ways to excel in OTS/UPT/IFF/The B Course!

        • Super interested in how to prepare for MEPS, also understanding seasoning orders.

          • UPT Basics

            • I would like to attend the UPT Basics webinar!

              • Different Paths to Wings would be helpful, specifically regarding the rumors I keep hearing that age waivers are possible if one is already in the military compared to trying to become a pilot as a civilian. This opens up the possibility of lateral transfers for folks on the tail end of the age spectrum.

                • How to work with recruiters. Best practices to get their attention.

                  • @Allgood I recommend talking with @Beav , former recruiting squadron commander, to get his tips and tricks.

                    • Thank you @BogiDope !

                      @Beav Great to meet you — would love the opportunity to chat about tips/tricks for working with a recruiter in Indianapolis. Would this be through purchasing a 1:1 “general strategy” session?

                      Thank you both for your help!

                  • Thanks for all the suggestions! We’ll cover UPT basics as well as what to expect and how to succeed in the other phases of training (OTS, UPT, IFF, & B-Course). Details in the events calendar.

                    We’ll consider the other suggestions (and any others that you guys have) for the next one, so keep the good ideas flowing!