Forum Replies Created

  • 15195 BogiPoints

    Thanks for letting us know! Although there are some coaches unavailable for various reasons (deployments, airline upgrades, etc), we weren’t able to replicate the issue. It appears the majority of coaches are still available to schedule. If you’re still seeing an error, please send us any screenshots to, and we’ll get it fixed ASAP. 🍻

  • BogiDope

    August 19, 2024 at 11:21 am in reply to: Rated Heavy Pilot to fighter/bomber
    15195 BogiPoints

    @NJCS13 In our experience, what you’ve previously heard is accurate: fighter pilots can transfer to heavies easily, but not the other way around. There’s no rule precluding heavy pilots from becoming fighter pilots, and there are (very rare) examples of it happening, but it’s uncommon due to the amount of retraining (ie time and money) a heavy pilot would likely have to go through.

    Fighters to Heavies only requires completing the 4-6 month transition course in the new aircraft (ex: C-17 school) and the squadron would get someone with a lot relevant flying experience.

    Heavies to Fighters would require going to 15-18 months of training (the centrifuge, T-38s, IFF, and then a full fighter B-Course), and after all of that the squadron would still get someone with very little relevant fighter experience and less time to develop that skillset because that person already used up part/all of their initial pilot training commitment from their time in heavies.

    Ultimately, however, if you’re applying to a Guard/Reserve fighter squadron, you just have to convince one squadron that you’re right person for the slot, so anything is possible.

  • BogiDope

    June 4, 2024 at 2:17 pm in reply to: Is the Maximum Age You Have to Be Hired by 33 or Start UPT By 33?
    15195 BogiPoints

    Source: Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 36-2100 RegAF and AFR applicants must not be beyond their 33rd birthday nor have

    more than 8 years of by the date as specified in the Undergraduate Flying Training

    Selection Board announcement message (generally two months after board convenes). ANG applicants must not be beyond their 33rd birthday nor have more than

    8 years of TFCS by the date as specified in the individual unit’s Undergraduate Flying

    Training Selection Board announcement message.

    It used to be by the 1st day of UPT, but now it’s by the date on the official announcement message.

  • BogiDope

    February 20, 2024 at 1:47 am in reply to: Active Navy Pilot to ANG/AFR
    15195 BogiPoints

    @E.T. @LooseLips Transitioning from the Navy to ANG/AFR is pretty common. There are no limitations to “too much active duty time.” Most active duty to Guard/Reserve transfers are at the 12-14(ish) year mark (the AF has a 10-year ADSC post wings which equates to approximately 12 years before they can get out).

    You would apply to a “Rated” board and if selected attend a Transition Course (“TX Course”) for that type of aircraft, which will take a few months.

    @LooseLips, the limitation you may be thinking of is the amount of commissioned service time someone can have before attending initial pilot training. That’s 8 years before needing a waiver, but that shouldn’t apply to you if you already have Navy wings and will only require a TX Course.

  • BogiDope

    January 29, 2024 at 11:46 pm in reply to: Bogi Dope Android app problem
    15195 BogiPoints

    @WarWolf Thanks for letting us know. There was a new privacy document Android required creators to fill out that we were unaware of. It went past their deadline, so the temporarily blocked the app until the paperwork gets resolved. ????‍♂️We just filled it out and submitted everything for review. In our experience, it usually takes Android a couple of days to review requests/updates, so it may be down for a bit longer.

    Apologies for the inconvenience. All functionality still works on the mobile version of the site, but we’ll get the Android app back up as quickly as possible. ????

  • BogiDope

    November 7, 2023 at 5:54 pm in reply to: Job postings question
    15195 BogiPoints

    Only about 80% of squadrons that hire UPT applicants use MilRecruiter/BogiDope. Although most do, some post jobs in different locations (or don’t post them anywhere, which is super frustrating).

    The bad news is that despite our best efforts, not ALL opportunities are consolidated into one spot like MilRecruiter/BogiDope (yet). The good news is that if you put the work in to track down some of these hidden opportunities, you may increase your chances of being hired due to much lower competition.

    So, although we can’t validate the accuracy of the job announcements you found, it’s in your best interest to view them as credible and apply if they meet your desired criteria.

    Hope that helps!

  • BogiDope

    June 4, 2024 at 2:59 pm in reply to: Is the Maximum Age You Have to Be Hired by 33 or Start UPT By 33?
    15195 BogiPoints

    That’s basically correct, but the official date of the announcement message may not be the same as the date of the application deadline or interview. For example, the official announcement for an active duty board will be a couple of months BEFORE the board convenes, while an AFR squadron board may technically be the unofficial board date to sponsor someone who will then go to the official board (on paper) at the headquarters level (so AFTER the interview). A good rule of thumb to cover all bases of regAF, AFR, and ANG will be +/- 3ish months of the application deadline.