
Boots and
BradleyDavis are now connected a year ago
Boots posted an update a year ago
MAFFs C130s from WY and CO guard at our local USFS base! super excited to see these guys in my home town (credits to my buddy for the photos)
Boots replied to the discussion How many hours do pilots get in the guard? in the forum Air Force a year ago
How many hours do pilots get in the guard?
Great to to know! Both of those look like good airframes and I am considering them but im definitely more attracted to some of the missions C130s get to do despite the (lower) hours.
The guy that I was talking to a few days ago that triggered me to ask this question was a C130 guard pilot out of Fairbanks and now flies the KC135 up there – he…
Boots replied to the discussion How many hours do pilots get in the guard? in the forum Air Force a year ago
How many hours do pilots get in the guard?
Not looking after fast time per se, I am definitely going in for the flying experience and opportunities but the hours I get out of it are kind of a factor because of the commitment involved (not sure if that makes sense)! Thank you for replying, that is all great insight : )
Boots replied to the discussion How many hours do pilots get in the guard? in the forum Air Force a year ago
How many hours do pilots get in the guard?
Thank you so much for the reply, this is super helpful! Definitely a thing im weighing into my decision on joining, especially when you account for going through OTS / UPT. It looks like a great experience but its a big time commitment when you consider all of those factors and I would like to get at least some hours out of it
Boots started the discussion How many hours do pilots get in the guard? in the forum Air Force a year ago
How many hours do pilots get in the guard?
Generally how many hours do pilots get in the guard (on a yearly basis)? I am very interested in flying C130s but i’m hearing they don’t accumulate hours as fast as other heavies – fighters get even less hours. I am aware it is mission and airframe dependent, and it depends on if the pilot does the bare minimum for currency or flies more than…
Boots and
Coma are now connected a year ago
Boots replied to the discussion Guard/Reserve Hiring Age in the forum Air Force a year ago
Boots replied to the discussion Guard/Reserve Hiring Age in the forum Air Force a year ago
I am also 19 but from what i’ve heard being young isn’t a disadvantage! My buddy in the guard that got picked up for F35s said its actually an advantage because you have more time to serve. If anyone has heard otherwise though let me know.