
Fitzy replied to the discussion Introduce Yourself in the forum General Discussion 5 months ago
Oh no, I’m happily reformed now and have left my rotary past behind. “If it ain’t fixed, it’s broke,” as they say. I’m supremely interested in fighters, but I do realize just how competitve that can be. Regardless, I’ll give it my best shot and the worst I can get is a “no.”
Fitzy replied to the discussion Introduce Yourself in the forum General Discussion 5 months ago
Hey All,
I’m Christian Fitzgerald (or more commonly just “Fitz”), and I started my aviation journey in the Army Guard as a back-seater. I was a full timer 15T UH-60 mechanic and progressed to crew chief, dual MOSd into a 15F helicopter electrician spot as the avionics shop lead, then went to flight instructor school to become a UH-60 NRCM FI,…