• Profile photo of Manou

      Manou posted an update

      a year ago

      Have some of you been to Reno air races before? What were your experiences and what are some insider tips or recommendations for first-time attendees such as where to get the best views or how to navigate the event effectively? 

      • Reno is still going? I heard months ago they had the last air race and it got shut down. Did they go back on that?

      • If you’re going this year, I’m absolutely jealous! The line up looks incredible. Pay for the pit pass. It’s expensive and given the fact that this year will be the last and only time you’ll ever have the chance to see it, you’d be absolutely remiss if you didn’t do it! I wish I could go! 

        • Thank you for your insights, yes I am going and I cannot wait! I will try to share videos or pictures