• Profile photo of Manou

      Manou posted an update

      a year ago

      I am visiting Burlington for a few days and I was wondering if by chance I would be able to visit the fighter unit and someone could connect me with the fighter squadron? I know they are not hiring at the moment but I would love to take the opportunity to meet the people and I thought I would ask here in case. Thank you.

      • Manou,

        Getting in a visit while in town would be a great idea! If you head over to the MilRecruiter website, the most recent contact info for the 134th FS is this email: VTANGapps@gmail.com.

        I’d start there. Let them know you’d like to visit and give them the dates. You can also try giving them a call. There isn’t a direct line publically available, but you can give the PA Office (802-660-5451) a ring and ask for the number to the Fighter Squadron or OPS Desk. Once connected to them, you should be talking directly to one of the pilots.

        I like the enthusiasm; getting face time with Squadrons inside or outside a hiring window is invaluable.


        • Thank you for your answer CHAOS! Those are great insights and it is very helpful. Unfortunately I didn’t get the chance to call them before I left this time but I hope next time. Burlington is very close to Quebec and French is my first language so it is always a joy to be there. 

          I have heard and read several times that getting face time is very important and it is what I have tried to do in the past but can I ask you why exactly? Is there a Bogidope article about it? I looked it up but didn’t find much 

          • Anytime! Rushing is huge for both the unit and applicants because it allows each party to get to know each other before the UPT board. When applying for the Guard/ Reserves specifically, that unit is making a long-term commitment when selecting for UPT. You can’t really judge the whole person concept strictly off an Applicant’s resume, test scores, etc., that you’ll find in an application package. You can have everything a unit is looking for on paper, but until you socially interact with a unit it is hard for them to know if you’re the right person for the job. Here’s an article on the process I dug up: http://bogidope.com/how-to-rush-a-unit/.

            Hope this helps!
