• Profile photo of Manou

    Manou posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    I am visiting Burlington for a few days and I was wondering if by chance I would be able to visit the fighter unit and someone could connect me with the fighter squadron? I know they are not hiring at the moment but I would love to take the opportunity to meet the people and I thought I would ask here in case. Thank you.

    • Manou,

      Getting in a visit while in town would be a great idea! If you head over to the MilRecruiter website, the most recent contact info for the 134th FS is this email: VTANGapps@gmail.com.

      I’d start there. Let them know you’d like to visit and give them the dates. You can also try giving them a call. There isn’t a direct line… Read more

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  • Profile photo of Manou

    Manou posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Have some of you been to Reno air races before? What were your experiences and what are some insider tips or recommendations for first-time attendees such as where to get the best views or how to navigate the event effectively? 

    • Reno is still going? I heard months ago they had the last air race and it got shut down. Did they go back on that?

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    • If you’re going this year, I’m absolutely jealous! The line up looks incredible. Pay for the pit pass. It’s expensive and given the fact that this year will be the last and only time you’ll ever have the chance to see it, you’d be absolutely remiss if you didn’t do it! I wish I could go! 

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  • Profile photo of Manou

    Manou posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Is the 182nd fighter squadron at Lakeland AFB active duty or reserve? They only train students on F-16? 

    • The 182nd gunfighters are Texas Air National Guard

      and a great squadron. 

      It’s confusing because there’s also a USAFR C-5 unit and a huge active duty mission. To further obscure the issue, most of the flyers refer to it as “Kelly” (Kelly Field Annex) while the Acitve Duty calls it Lackland.



      • The 182nd is an ANG squadron but it’s a weird one. It’s a B-course squadron that hosts the F-16 B-course 1-2 times a year. Since it’s a B-course unit all members are F-16 instructor pilots. Most of their hires come from Rated guys and gals separating from AD, but they’ll host a UPT board once in a blue moon.

        What makes it even weirder is if… Read more

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    • Profile photo of Manou

      Manou posted an update a year ago

      a year ago

      Does the Air Force train flight students for UPT at Randolph AFB? 

      • WAS

        I believe Randolph is just for UPT Instructor Pilot training. Vance, Laughlin, Columbus, and Sheppard are student training bases. 

        • Randolph will have a few UPT class anomalies like that’s where they did alot of UPT Pilot Training Next classes, but for the most part WAS is correct they do mainly PIT (teaching FAIPS and IP’s how to be an instructor pilot for UPT before heading back to Laughlin, Vance, Columbus, or ENJJPT).

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