freestateflyer replied to the discussion Introduce Yourself in the forum General Discussion 10 months ago
If you’re going fighter, you really gotta rush the units, show up every drill, bring a bottle of good liquor each time, etc.
I don’t know how many applicants fighter squadrons get, but I imagine it’s a lot, and VERY competitive. I’m in a heavy squadron, and once we advertised on BogiDope/other websites we got probably 200+ packets, and only 15-20…
C.J. and Ben -
freestateflyer replied to the discussion B2 to Fighters? in the forum Air Force a year ago
My man get whatever hours you can at Whiteman and then jump ship to St Joe or Topeka nearby and join the B2 mafia at United. There’s a bunch there.
freestateflyer replied to the discussion How many hours do pilots get in the guard? in the forum Air Force a year ago
How many hours do pilots get in the guard?
I’d go the heavy route. C17 or KC135 seems to get the most.
If you can tolerate the cold, the Alaska Air Guard has trouble finding dudes to live beyond the wall way up in Eielson AFB in Fairbanks. You’d get a shit ton of hours in the -135, no one lives up there.
931st (KC46) is hiring like crazy, but that’s in Wichita, KS, so less than ideal.…
Boots -
freestateflyer replied to the discussion How many hours do pilots get in the guard? in the forum Air Force a year ago
How many hours do pilots get in the guard?
Brother boots,
If you’re after fast time, the DoD isn’t the way. Your looking at 100-300 (300 is a good year) at best. It used to be 500+ was norm, but there’s no giant multi front war going on.
Boots -
freestateflyer replied to the discussion How many hours do pilots get in the guard? in the forum Air Force a year ago
How many hours do pilots get in the guard?
Unless it’s very diff in the herc, in the -135 world that would be a total dick move. Once you make AC all time logged at that point counts as credible PIC time towards your ATP and airline hours. It doesn’t matter if you log primary or secondary on the 781, they just count time once your duty position changes to an aircraft commander.