SLAP replied to the discussion Introduce Yourself in the forum General Discussion a year ago
@Legs Use this as a general hieracrchy for chosing which degree to choose for maximizing your pilot applications:
1. Whichever gets you the highest GPA (generally speaking, it looks better on an application to have a 3.5GPA in business than a 2.5GPA in Mechanical Engineering — that might not be fair, but it’s the truth).
2. What gets you done… -
Legs replied to the discussion Introduce Yourself in the forum General Discussion a year ago
My name is Brad, AD AF 2T1 at lackland afb.
I’m 20 y/o and am married with no kids. I’m looking to start school here soon probably this summer. I joined the AF because I needed out of my home town. I was going to go play football and had various offers to schools but hurt my knee my senior year and decided not to. I took a year off to figure… Read more