• Profile photo of maxcolgan

      maxcolgan posted an update

      4 months ago

      I have a checkride for my Private Pilot License in 10 days, and I’m planning to take the AFOQT and TBAS soon after. For those who’ve taken the AFOQT, do you think my recent PPL studying will help me score well on the pilot section, or should I also focus on some additional resources to aim for the highest score? Thanks!

      Sharky, Allen and Coma
      • I’d recommend getting an AFOQT prep course or book. Also, there are multiple sub tests that are used to compute your pilot score- math knowledge, instrument comprehension, table reading, aviation information. Good luck and congrats! I’ve got some study tips for the TBAS too, just let me know.

        • Great question…definitely recommend additional AFOQT-specific practice. Many of the subtests that factor into the AFOQT Pilot Component are not directly-related to your PPL study. We have several resources here at BogiDope, including an in-house AFOQT tutor, #Tutor-Gunboss, and a dedicated Military Test Prep discussion group with webinars and practice tests! Good luck!

          • Definitely add some additional resources. However, I took my AFOQT and had no prior flight experience other than ground school through an online resource coupled with a few AFOQT books and it helped me a ton. I noticed that having ground school helped me with some questions and the AFOQT books gave me insight to different types of questions that were asked. Never hurts to be prepared

            • @CGreive would you say ground school prepared you well for the aviation knowledge section?

              • @Allgood keep in mind I’m speaking on my personal experience and I don’t know the intricacies of the test or how what questions end up where. With that said, If I didn’t have ground school I know for a fact there are questions I would have missed.
