F-22 = Air Dominance. @C.J. = BogiPoint Dominance. Congrats on his 4th consecutive victory in the monthly BogiPoint contest!
It pays to be a winner!
1. @C.J. 5490 pts – $100 BogiDope Gift Cert 🏆💰
2. @chenetteautumn 5010 pts – $50 💰
3. @ClosedFlank 4500 pts – $25 💰
4. @JSampson 4345 pts
5. @kenneth-hehr 3800 pts
6T. @maxgrossweight 3750 pts
6T. …JSampson, Ted-1 and C.J.-
Congrats CJ! That hard work is bound to pay off sooner than later.
Sean and MSM1794 are now connected 5 months ago
Nick-Noe and MSM1794 are now connected 8 months ago