Charlie, congrats! While trying to not repeat what has already been said, I can speak from my own experience as a flight commander for pilot training at Laughlin AFB last year.
I can’t emphasize enough, communicating with your flight leadership during training is essential. Don’t play “I have a secret”. Two of my students, in separate classes, had children during training. We were able to work with them to get the time off they needed and not affect their training overall. There were numerous occasions where a student contacted me saying their child was up sick all night or their wife was out of town and couldn’t do an event the next day. Because they communicated with us we were able to work it out and come up with a gameplan for them on a case-by-case.
Pilot training can be stressful and you might feel pressured to complete flights and whatnot but the best advice I can say is if you don’t communicate with your leadership they won’t be able to help you.