• For anyone who needs this wealth of information shared, a third AFOQT retake waiver is possible. I’m not sure what the process is for civilians, but for those already serving it is straight forward. I submitted a request up the chain for unit, group, and wing commander’s signature per AFMAN 36-2664.

      A2.6.2.2. Waiver authorities must verify documentation of training completed since previous AFOQT administration. Acceptable documentation may include proof of completion of at least one college course in a subject relevant to the AFOQT, gained significant flying experience, or improved skills and abilities measured by the AFOQT in some other manner such as completing the study preparation course since the previous AFOQT administration.

      A year and a half after I got it signed, I scheduled my test. The base TCO informed me AFPC pushed authority down to the unit level. I don’t have any documentation on that part, but it is worthwhile to contact your TCO if you’ve exhausted your two attempts. Attached is my waiver for reference.

      Sharky, CHAOS and 2 others
      • @nichole-riebe Thanks for posting! Taking the AFOQT as many times as possible these days really can’t hurt you with the super-scoring system. I recommend everyone try this if they have any doubts about their scores.

        • Great info, Nicole! Thanks.