Husky posted an update
Don’t wait for perfect!
Sometime perfect is the enemy of good in this process; especially if perfect is going to delay your application.
1) You will not get picked up if you didn’t apply
2) Age is genearlly not an asset
3) You don’t know who’s going to apply to any particular board
4) Despite you best effort that first application/rush might be a little raw.
I think its acceptable to take that AFOQT a little early and see how it goes. Why? Well, the first test will help you focus your studying. Maybe you were a lot better at verbal than you thought but not so good at math. Now you can laser focus your study on math. Also, you now have an AFOQT score; get a first try at the TBAS and enter your hours and boom, now you’ve got a PCSM.
So there we are with an okay PCSM that we’re improving. We’re studying for the sections of the AFOQT that we want to improve, we’re flying (love that!), and we’re retaking the TBAS. While that’s going on – let’s get that application ready.
But Husky! My scores are too low, I’ll apply after I…..(retake the AFOQT, get more hours, complete my checkride). Yes we could wait for perfect but….
First applications and interviews can be especially difficult. So let’s get that out of the way on something that isn’t our #1 unit. If we don’t get hired, we’ll probably get (or can ask for) feedback that will make our next attempt better. Now with the jitters out of the way we can really crush that process for the unit of our dreams.
Second, you might just get the job. Crazy right? While the BD coaches pride ourselves in being able to improve each person’s chances of getting hired every board has an element of chance. Who applied? What is the unit looking for? What are the odds the primary won’t work out? Sometime folks with very average scores make deep connections during a rush and vault themselves to the leaderboard. That could be you – give it a shot.
Odds are you’ll be applying younger, with more application experiences and more efficient test prep. All good things.