Beav posted an update
6 months ago (edited)
A recent podcast about AI and Warfare sparked my interest. So as some of you are working on your applications and prepping for the next step, here’s one more way to set yourself apart. Know something about AI and what is is capable of and how it could be used in warfare.
The amount of information available thought the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance platforms is IMMENSE. What we take in from drones, what is available on Social Media, and other platforms can’t all be processed in a timely manner. I watched this happen in real time in warfare. We had the information available, but didn’t have the manpower to process and confirm the validity. We missed several key targets due to taking a long time for humans to process it. The solution that the team suggests in the podcast is AI. The question they ask is could it logically, legally solve this problem with validity. Would we, the warfighter, and our commanders trust it?
Have you used ChatGPT? Did you trust the solution that it gave? Would you trust it (AI) to not compromise or morph its answers? All thought provoking questions.
Minute 33 to Minute 44 gives some background on how AI could be used to distill the data to something useable. This is worth a watch for the curious. Try learning about something that scares you today. It may expand our collective knowledge on how to use OR avoid this new tool of computing.
abuchheit, hudson-owens and matthew-davis -