SIC posted an update
4 months ago (edited)
Sunday is Reset Day:
Sunday’s are reset days and you should start off by making your bed. Sunday is your day to reset yourself spiritually, mentally and physically. It is your day for laundry, groceries, meal prep, church, gym or windy walks. Whatever helps you reset your body and your mind to prep for another week of work, school or service. Why post this on BogiDope and not my own social media you might ask? Simple, there are fighter pilots all over the country who today will be studying in the vault and prepping for their 0700 Monday morning brief while you sit around and watch football. So, if you are someone seeking to become a fighter pilot (or pilot in the AF) start adopting this lifestyle change right now. Start voluntarily adopting responsibility for your performance Monday morning by integrating the tools at your disposal that you know work to keep you at your sharpest. This starts with building a foundation for success on Sundays. Re-cage your mind by writing down your weekly objectives and both the key tasks and key assumptions for accomplishing them. Put those tasks in your google calendar or chalk board in the kitchen. I do both. Re-cage yourself physically; go to the gym today, fantasy football will always be there but you only get one shot at a 9G centrifuge, ask me how I know. Reset spiritually; Go to church, or go sit in the woods by yourself. Get up at 0500 and watch the sunrise, read a book, listen to motivational tapes or just take your sons/daughter/wife for a walk and appreciate all of the good things you have in your life. Do this so that the pain of getting crushed in a 7 hour debrief is tolerable and worth it. Integrate this shift in your Sunday mindset now or we will always be the teachers and you will always be the students. I guarantee someone out there is doing these things so that they can outperform you on Monday morning. Don’t let them beat you today.
So, start asking yourself every day when you wake up in the morning…
What did I do today to reorganize my life in order to assure that becoming a pilot in the future is as likely as possible?
It starts by making your bed.
SLAP, Derek and 6 others -