• Profile photo of Sharky

      Sharky posted an update

      11 months ago

      Hi everyone…

      I just wanted to share my Interview Prep trend observations so far this year from my humble corner of the BogiDope universe.

      By all means, these are super generalized, not all-inclusive, and not directed at any one of the clients I’ve coached. The BogiDope Interview Prep courseware and content library discuss each of these with much greater eloquence than I can here…so, this is nothing earth-shattering!

      Overall, clients have had phenomenal positive attitudes, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Thisis huge!

      Trend 1: Relying on Abstractions Instead of Specifics…

      Enthusiastically stating “I have a passion for aviation.” (abstraction), sounds even better when it can be paired with a concrete story that supports the statement. For example, following the previous assertion with: “It started when I had a discovery flight my junior year of high school. Since then I’ve attained my PPL, I’m working on my instrument rating, and I volunteer for my local airport’s air show, etc.” (specifics). What will set you apart are factual accomplishments that augment your statement.

      Trend 2: Not Linking the Big Three questions to that specific unit…

      Definitely make sure your “Tell Us About Yourself…” and “Why Should We Hire You?” logically includes what got you in the Interview chair with *that specific unit*. Love the airplane? The mission? Family/friend/geographic ties? Make sure the board knows. Building this linkage sets you apart, and builds the rapport and trust with the board that will help you crush the interview. Lastly, short personalized anecdotes *specific to that unit* can be included in your “Any Questions For Us?” closing statement. An example of this would be including how much the aircraft tour meant to you during your previous visit, how helpful Captain X was explaining the unit mission, how cool the squadron bar was (haha), etc., etc. The trust and rapport you built with the board during rest of the interview really preps the playing field for these types of elevated-emotional “feel good” statements in the final moments. You want to depart on a high note!

      Hope this helps! Please fire back with any questions…or feel free to refer to all the other content on the site! Hope you are all doing well!


      KiloTango, C.J. and 2 others