Alex “Biggs” Biegalski
USAF U-28 Pilot
ANG MQ-9 Pilot
Alex graduated from Virginia Tech and attended pilot training at Laughlin AFB, TX flying the T-6A and T-38C. Alex was selected for the U-28A out of pilot training and flew worldwide special operations missions for over 10 years while stationed at Hurlburt Field, FL. Over his career, Alex was an instructor, evaluator pilot, and weapons school graduate. Alex deployed 10 times to combat theaters gaining over 2,200 combat hours, with his most recent deployment training Afghan special operations aviators to fly the PC-12 and the Mi-17 for a year. After 11 years on active duty, Alex transitioned to the Air National Guard to fly the MQ-9. Alex has extensive experience with the application and interview process for both the ANG and Reserves and is a great asset to the BogiDope team.
Contact Alex at biggs@bogidope.com.