Jeff “Gunboss” Negus
Qual'd for Submarine Command
Private Pilot's License
Jeff is the expert military test tutor for BogiDope. His twenty-year Naval Officer career included an elite
nuclear-powered submarine tour on USS Parche (SSN 683), numerous submarine support staff
assignments, graduation from Air Command and Staff College, and three years on the Admiral’s staff on
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72). Founder and CEO of In An Instant®, LLC, he taught college math for three
years and has tutored for nine years.
Jeff is an AFOQT/OAR/ASTB/SIFT/ASVAB guru. His test-taking techniques and test-day prep methods
have helped numerous men and women successfully enter the military and pilot training. His tutoring
approach is based on a coaching leadership style and emphasizes continuous improvement and subject
matter mastery. He is qualified for command of submarines, is a nuclear engineer, and holds a Private
Pilot’s License.
Jeff’s wide range of expertise regarding military tests helps Bogi-Dope provide the best possible
preparation for your aviation testing needs.
Contact Jeff at tutoring@bogidope.com