Active Duty to Guard/Reserve Transition

Leaving the active duty (AD) and transferring to the Guard or Reserves can be a scary time in your life. There is not a lot of information available to pilots preparing for this transition, which makes it easy to find frustrating pitfalls and speed bumps along the way. Just like flying a mission, intelligence and preparation are the keys to success. In order to help you navigate this transition, we’ve compiled a short list of steps you should take to ensure that you are successful.
Above All, Have a Plan
Having a plan for your transition from AD to the Guard or Reserves is the most important step a pilot can take. Knowing what you want for your family in the future will allow you to be able to start building towards that end goal. BogiDope recommends that you start to plan at least three years out. If you are inside that window, it is not a big deal—just realize that you may be behind the power curve compared to your competition for that coveted spot in your dream squadron.
There are many factors that can affect your path to separation from AD and your transition to your new Guard or Reserve unit. Stuff happens! Lengthy deployments, TDY’s, family emergencies, unexpected assignments and emerging global conflicts can make the best laid plans crumble in a heartbeat!
If you find that your plan for separation and transition starts to take an unexpected turn, don't waste time worrying. Communicate early on with the units you wish to apply to and be honest about your challenges. More often than not, you’ll find that the squadrons you are applying to are willing to work with you, especially when you give them plenty of time to adapt to any changes. Keeping them up to date about your transition plan is a sure way of engendering some good will and making sure they know you are still interested. Above all, keep your sense of humor and stay flexible through the process.
Bear in mind that there are actually two key events that you need to plan for during this transition: Choosing what Guard or Reserve units are you going to apply to and how exactly you are going to separate from the AD. Properly preparing for each of these phases of your major life change is the key to your ultimate success.
Choose Your Units: Apply Soon, Apply Often!
BogiDope recommends that each pilot start the application process as early as possible, and you should apply to as many units as you can. This cannot be stressed enough! There are many external factors that can affect your separation, and not all of them are under your control. If you wait until a few months before you leave AD and only apply to one unit, you aren’t leaving much room for the unexpected. Starting early and giving yourself plenty of options in terms of squadrons that are acceptable to you will increase your chances of success.
We can’t overemphasize the importance of applying to multiple units. In today’s environment, there are many highly qualified individuals that are leaving the AD. Some of those pilots are “keeping their cards close;” you might not know that they are actively seeking a Guard or Reserve slot.
You probably realize that there is competition for Guard and Reserve slots, but you might be surprised to find that competition for your desired squadron is unexpectedly high. Get ahead of the pack! BogiDope recommends that individuals start to contact the units they are interested in as far out as three years in advance and no later than one year prior to your separation. The earlier you make yourself known, the better!
It is important to note that many units try not to hire too many pilots that are in the same year group (year you commissioned). By spreading out the year groups, units can avoid bottle necks when it comes to promotions down the line. Applying early might put you ahead of others in your year group that apply later.
Make sure you find time to meet and greet your perspective squadrons, if possible. Having the unit know who you are early is valuable when it comes time to meet the hiring board—it is best to not just be a name on a piece of paper. Give yourself time to get to know your perspective Guard or Reserve units and give them a chance to get to know you as well.