
rachid-karame and
Alana are now connected 3 months ago
Congratulations to @Alana Future KC-135 pilot with at Grissom ARB IN!
Alana’s got a great story. Enlisted to Officer, then MX Officer to Pilot. A great example of commitment and hard work. See you in the airspace soon!
Congratulations, Alana! Great work
TBAS Scoring - Best Score or Latest Score?
@Alana Here’s the response I received from our AFRC rep:
“The PCSM still uses the most recent TBAS score. To your point, a general trend is that TBAS scores increase upon retesting but in rare circumstances, someone could potentially score lower on the TBAS retest and lower his/her PCSM score. The AFOQT Pilot Composite superscore is used in the…
Pipes and Alana -
Pipes and
Alana are now connected 3 months ago
Kratos and
Alana are now connected 3 months ago
TBAS Scoring - Best Score or Latest Score?
@Alana I just sent in an email to try to track down an official answer for you.
The official reg that covers the AFOQT and TBAS is attached. It doesn’t clarify it one way or the other, so hopefully we’ll get an official answer for you soon.
TBAS Scoring - Best Score or Latest Score?
Thank you! I’ve taken the test before, just wondering if the score from my second attempt or the best score from both TBAS attempts would be my final score added to recalculate my PCSM. It seems like the latest score from the last attempt is the general consensus.
I appreciate the help!
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