Forum Replies Created

  • CAGE

    January 19, 2025 at 1:35 pm in reply to: Dogs during UPT
    7570 BogiPoints

    At Sheppard pets are not allowed in the dorms they have you in on base. Typically guard and reserve can get off base housing or on base if you have a family. I recommend off base if possible if it is just you and your dogs.

    My wife and I got a puppy day 1 of UPT there are times to run home quick to check/let them out if you’re close to base. It’s not a set time or all the time. This info is also from 2015 so who knows but I wouldn’t have expected it to change drastically.

    Definitely have a plan for all courses of action like unable to take them, unable to live off base and what not. Also make sure your training office in charge of sending you is tracking that. Good luck, cheers!



  • CAGE

    January 9, 2025 at 2:52 pm in reply to: Aerial Survey, Pipeline patrol, Jump pilot, and etc.
    7570 BogiPoints


    I know a great place to start for those type of jobs would be a site called They would be a place that posts pipeline or survey pilots. Jump would most likely be from just calling specific jump places. USA jobs also does have flying jobs for boarder patrol, at least down south. Maybe not so much in the Canada side ha!

  • CAGE

    December 17, 2024 at 3:10 pm in reply to: Quick Guide for UPT Hopefuls to USAF Aircraft & Terms
    7570 BogiPoints

    Next on the list is…

    The F-15C Eagle!

    • The Eagle is an all weather air-to-air fighter for air superiority!
    • Pilots are known as “Eagle Drivers or C model drivers” (C model is different from the Strike Eagle)
    • This is a single seat platform with a two seater variant. The 2 seater is similar as the F-16 as it is for training and not a WSO.
    • It has been around since the 70s and still holds major records and milestones for the aviation community!
    • The C model is a BFM machine and has a gun built for it!
    • Flown by several nations across the globe and is still flying today until the F-15EX comes to full operational capability
    • Has an eye popping 2.45M speed cape and a ceiling of 65k!
    • Has a helmet cuing system and can fly with the new IRST pod.
    • Wild for the time but the only aircraft to shoot an anti-satellite missile! This was done in the mid 80’s!

    Unfortunately limited places to fly this but if you happen to get a chance at applying for UPT so your research as always, cheers!



  • CAGE

    December 13, 2024 at 3:21 pm in reply to: Single Pilot Airliners one step closer
    7570 BogiPoints

    Agreed DJ, the fact that normal citizens aren’t in an uproar about this is mind boggling. Maybe it is just not all over the mainstream media to cause a stir. I wouldn’t set foot on an airline that was solely single pilot. Yes I know AF aircraft are “single” pilot but flying as elements offsets that. There have been accidents where both pilots had no idea and some saved by the other pilot. Can’t imagine being over the Atlantic on a 350 solo with all the passengers. CRM is a big factor for that!

  • CAGE

    December 12, 2024 at 1:41 pm in reply to: Quick Guide for UPT Hopefuls to USAF Aircraft & Terms
    7570 BogiPoints

    Next up the F-22!

    • Single seat air superiority fighter, meaning total control of the airspace!
    • Known as the raptor
    • Hard to believe it was manufactured in 1996 by Skunkworks at Lockheed Martin
    • Driven by two Pratt & Whitney F119 motors with a Mach 2 super cruise and above 50k foot ceiling
    • Super cruise means the aircraft can cruise at super sonic speeds while in mil power; meaning no AB use. This is a massive fuel saving capability.
    • Only USAF aircraft with thrust vectoring which allows high AOA maneuvers
    • Was strictly designed for air to air engagements but in recent years has dropped JDAM weapons, block 20 capabilities onward.
    • Still flying block 20,30,35
    • Newer lots have the upgraded APG-77 AESA radar giving it new capes
    • Currently pilots have no helmet mounted displays
    • Pilots are now able to wear the upgraded ATAGS gsuit from what they formally had.

    The raptor is a beast in the skies and a BFM machine! If you’re interviewing or looking to at a Raptor unit, deep dive and do your research!



  • CAGE

    December 8, 2024 at 9:58 pm in reply to: Advice On Best Ways to Have a Competitive Chance
    7570 BogiPoints

    Hi Aaron!

    Lots of great questions! First off one of the most important things when looking to apply at units and get picked up is to have dedication. You have to look at this a you’re investing in yourself because it’s going to take a lot, but with hard work and dedication you can absolutely make it happen just like others before you!

    First thing I would start with is taking your AFOQT and TBAS as soon as you are able to and ready. Like was stated before you don’t need 99’s across the board to get hired. Do you due diligence and use resources to study then take the tests.

    Without getting in depth here about the medical I would recommend talking with someone who is an expert on USAF medical regulations just to make sure your injury won’t disqualify you. FAA Medicals are in line with USAF but there are other things that the air force looks at too.

    Most units only require a PPL and your PCSM score stops taking into account flight hours above 200. Yes flight hours help to boost your score but it is not the end all be all. I absolutely would complete your PPL when you are able to as again that’s usually a requirement for UPT boards.

    Each unit is different but it’s not a straight line in the sand that being enlisted is a gold star. One of the major perks is getting experience in the military life and also being around the aircraft and pilots to get to know them on a personal level.

    Your degree isn’t required to be in aviation, just the fact that you have one. Now what can boost your app above others is your type of degree. A STEM degree we all know is typically more difficult than a marketing degree, no offense to anyone who has a marketing degree at all. So if you have a high GPA in say engineering that will help boost. Again obtaining a high GPA in any degree is great too!

    Other things that will help boost and make good application is your life experiences and your ability to rush the unit. Volunteering, unique job experiences, unique life experiences give you opportunities to break the ice easier at units while rushing.

    I say if this is something you want to do dedicate 112% of yourself! Work hard, just like it sounds like you are, and that hard work will pay off. Best of luck and keep kicking butt at school, cheers!



  • CAGE

    December 8, 2024 at 9:38 pm in reply to: 731st Airlift Contact?
    7570 BogiPoints

    Hi Paige! Typically if you ever find it difficult to find a good POC for the pilot side or an org email a good place to start is the units recruiting office. You can contact them and inform them of what you are looking for on the UPT side of the house and they will usually have info the pilots give them to pass along. Here is the link to the recruiters at the 302. Best of luck!



  • CAGE

    November 30, 2024 at 3:15 pm in reply to: Age Limit
    7570 BogiPoints


    As far as age goes, it’s just a number. You can get hired at a unit at 24 or you can get hired at 31. I’ve seen and been a part of boards hiring people. Most important thing is to be all in because you have such a shorter window than most. You’ll have to sell yourself to units why your age isn’t a factor they need to think about. As I tell most, don’t expect age waivers in the guard/reserve. It’s not impossible but when you have 200+ applicants it’s hard for a unit to try to push one through. Again nothing is impossible but if you really want it go for it! Good luck!

  • CAGE

    November 30, 2024 at 1:42 pm in reply to: Too early to apply?
    7570 BogiPoints

    Hi Edward,

    Based off of everything in the current climate it is never too early to apply. I would highly recommend applying when and where you can for what MDS/career you want. One way to help out, and some units require it, if you don’t have a degree yet get a memo written and have your college advisor or dean sign it saying you have intent to graduate with your bachelors. Having that letter on hand is good if units request it. Good luck!



  • CAGE

    November 27, 2024 at 11:08 pm in reply to: Quick Guide for UPT Hopefuls to USAF Aircraft & Terms
    7570 BogiPoints

    Next up on the fighter list is the;

    F-15E Strike Eagle

    • Known as the “Strike” or “Dark Grey”
    • This is a two seat aircraft with the pilot in the front seat and WSO or a weapon system operator in the back. Both are officers
    • The strike is flown by several other NATO non-nato countries.
    • This aircraft is also a multi role capability with both A-A and A-G. One thing that sets itself apart is that this aircraft is simultaneously able to perform both functions at once. The pilot can fly and shoot A-A while the WSO can target A-G.
    • Radar upgrades a changed the original APG-70 mech scan radar with the AESA APG-82 radar giving greater range capes.
    • This MWS is capable of dropping almost every weapon in the USAF inventory.
    • Most if not all E models are powered by the Pratt & Whitney 229
    • Top speed of Mach 2.5+ and max altitude of 60,000ft
    • They use a targeting pod like the F-16 and also have helmet mounted weapon cueing systems

    As always do your research specifically to the unit rushing but here is a great place to start, cheers!



  • CAGE

    November 19, 2024 at 2:36 pm in reply to: Quick Guide for UPT Hopefuls to USAF Aircraft & Terms
    7570 BogiPoints

    Next up on the fighter list…

    F-35 Lightning

    • Known as Panther or Puma to pilots and is 5th Gen
    • These are prevalent in the USAF/Navy/Marines and will one day replace all F-16
    • F-35A is the USAF variant
    • F-35B is the Marine VTOL variant
    • F-35C is the Navy & Marine variant for carrier use
    • There are no 2seat F-35
    • “TR” is similar to the “Block” system of the F-16 but is more so software driven.
    • Each variant above has different capabilities based on the physical aircraft as well so it is good info to know
    • The jets are capable of Air-to-Air(A-A) and Air-to-Ground(A-G) with multiple different missions including SEAD. Do your research!
    • 4th Gen aircraft are incorporated with the F-35 using what’s called FI or Force Integration.
    • F-35 carries weapons in internal weapons bays but have hard points for external carriage.
    • Pratt & Whitney are the primary engine manufacturer but GE is in the process of testing
    • AESA radar, has an internal “targeting pod”, is considered a stealth fighter

    As before there is so much more on the F-35 so do some reading! BogiDope coaches or Panther pilots pile on with any other basic in, cheers!



  • CAGE

    November 6, 2024 at 1:45 pm in reply to: TBAS Scoring – Best Score or Latest Score?
    7570 BogiPoints

    Hello! Current information is that the TBAS also super scores so it’ll take the best from both attempts. Cheers!

  • CAGE

    February 21, 2025 at 1:33 pm in reply to: UPT General Discussion-All questions UPT through RTU
    7570 BogiPoints

    Hi Jeremy!

    Actually having discussed this last night with a UPT bro I can hopefully field this question for you. As always anyone else with information please pile on.

    The T1 is no longer flying at Del Rio but is still at a few others with a quick out on the sunset of it fully. Right now those that do not get above the cut line for fighters will go straight to their follow on RTU base while those wanting fighters do the T38 track. I am not 100% sure when you put in a dream sheet but I believe it is early in so they have an idea what the class wants. After getting your wings at the completion of T6s if your non-T38 you’ll get your drop. If you are onto T38s it is my understanding that you’ll continue on the syllabus then at the end will find out what follow on assignment you have. Keep in mind a lot of this is ever changing as well with all the different syllabus adjustments but that is a ballpark of what you could expect. Cheers!

  • CAGE

    January 13, 2025 at 7:10 pm in reply to: F-35 Gouge
    7570 BogiPoints

    Hit my smoke!

  • CAGE

    December 20, 2024 at 10:44 am in reply to: Quick Guide for UPT Hopefuls to USAF Aircraft & Terms
    7570 BogiPoints

    Best I could do from a Viper side of the house! If you have any good add ons please chime in!!

  • CAGE

    December 14, 2024 at 10:45 am in reply to: Introduce Yourself
    7570 BogiPoints


    Welcome to the BogiDope community! You’re in the right place to get the best answers and genuine information on all things military flying.

    To start off, it’s great to have a family in an aviation background! Sounds like you and your brother are following in the family footsteps!

    First things first, keep up the good grades until August and do your upmost best to have these last classes before graduation to be your best! Your hours ,flying wise, are in a good spot for UPT boards so no issues there! Your next step right now is to get the AFOQT scheduled and study for it. I have been seeing recently that it has become more of a challenge to get it scheduled and can take time so I would absolutely start trying to get it on the books now.

    BogiDope has amazing tools to be able to prepare yourself for the test. Remember you can only take it twice, with a 3rd being wavered; but good news is it is super scored now. That means it takes the best scores either time you take it. Once the AFOQT is complete you can schedule the TBAS which is also difficult to get done so push hard to make it happen.

    After you get the completed then you can start to rush and apply to units across the country. This is a competitive process so it’s best to start one step at a time. As we in the AF community say, “near rocks, far rocks”

    Bogidope has a lot of information on lifestyles of different airframes that you can review, among other things, to help guide you! If you have anymore questions and really want to dive deep into your goals specifically I recommend a 1-on-1 general strategy session to kickstart your path.



  • CAGE

    December 8, 2024 at 10:31 pm in reply to: Advice On Best Ways to Have a Competitive Chance
    7570 BogiPoints


    There are a few options you can take with this. Again none of this is required but the worst thing would be getting selected then DQ’d.

    Easiest and fastest would be to use the BogiDope resource. BogiDope offers a medical consultation where you can ask any and all questions with no repercussions.

    Next would be if you can get ahold of a local units medical section and see if you can just talk to a flight surgeon. Either on the phone or email.

    Lastly here is the medical offices website at Wright Patterson AFB where they do the FC1 Medicals. There is contact info there and you can reach out and see what information they can give.

    Best of luck, cheers!



  • 7570 BogiPoints

    As above, yes, a unit can help you through the waiver process but it doesn’t mean it’ll get approved. It will still go through the respective state flight surgeon. If I could give any recommendations from experience in the guard, I would talk to that respective units flight doc about the issue and see their thoughts on the possibility and the capability of the unit backing you up. Also if you have the capability as well see a non-military specialist in relation to the medical issue and get their opinion and possibly a letter. I’m not saying that any of this is the silver bullet but getting all the ammunition you are able to can possibly help. I definitely would be upfront about it with the units UPT boards POC before going so they know the details. Them getting caught if guard and then trying to help is less likely than if you come with a ton of info and are upfront and they hire you.

    Again all the above is my personal opinion from what I know and have experienced through my unit. Good luck and hopefully the waiver is in your favor, cheers!



  • CAGE

    November 2, 2024 at 10:38 am in reply to: Rush Event Networking
    7570 BogiPoints

    DJ, I have not heard/seen of units having anything like that while rushing. Doesn’t mean it isn’t impossible, if you’re rushing a rated position I would see if anyone in the squadron is the POC and if they have any of those details.