
Advice On Best Ways to Have a Competitive Chance
I’m sure all of those things are important factors to certain squadrons. However, there are also people who get hired with zero flight hours, low scores, and degrees that are not aviation or engineering related. You seem pretty motivated so control what you can and put yourself in a good position to apply. Chase the dream, never know what could happen.
JVestal8 -
ChrisG and
jason-liptrap are now connected 3 months ago
ChrisG replied to the discussion AFRC Unsponsored Board in the forum Air Force 3 months ago
I was in Wright Pat in September and met someone who was going the unsponsored route. He said the Reserves were funding everything for him until his completion of UPT. From there he was responsible for pitching himself to a unit. The FC1 portion may vary case by case, but he was a civilian off the street and had no problem getting his funded.
Pipes -
ChrisG replied to the discussion AFRC Unsponsored Board in the forum Air Force 4 months ago
This is a really good way of looking at this opportunity and something I wish I knew about when I started my search! Great insight here.
Rocky_1 -
ChrisG replied to the discussion Actively pursuing an RPA pilot slot in the Guard in the forum Air Force 4 months ago
Actively pursuing an RPA pilot slot in the Guard
Hey man,
I was recently hired for an RPA slot as a 31 year old with scores way below yours. I was also previously SF with a 4 year break in service. While I can’t speak to the contingencies of the security clearance, I’d say shotgun apps. There are several units hiring right now. Interview, be you, and you shouldn’t have any issues.…
Allen and Spectre16 -
Not sure where you’re located but you can contact the education center on a base and try to schedule it that way. Hanscom AFB in MA was really good about that.
ChrisG replied to the discussion Hiring question in the forum Air Force 4 months ago
Sharky and Allen -
ChrisG replied to the discussion Hiring question in the forum Air Force 4 months ago
So my understanding is that they got offered the job at a guard unit, but swore in to an enlisted afsc as a place holder until they got their approval to appoint. So, they’re technically enlisted but waiting to enlist as an officer I suppose. They have also completed their physical at WP.
Allen -
ChrisG started the discussion Hiring question in the forum Air Force 4 months ago
Does anyone know someone that got selected for a slot but applied somewhere else and got picked up by a different unit while waiting for dates? I was asked by someone who is unsure how this would look or if it’s even possible. For reference, individual was selected to be GBO and wants to fly
Allen -
ChrisG replied to the discussion Tell me about a time…disagreement or failure in the forum Air Force 9 months ago
Tell me about a time…disagreement or failure
These questions are so crucial in an interview. It lets you as the applicant really show the board the type of person you are and how you utilize critical thinking. Everyone should have an answer rehearsed for this before they step into the board. Good post.
C.J. - Load More