Hey everyone, my name is Cody Waldrop. I am 33 and currently fly helicopters for my local police department. I always wanted to fly in the military since a young boy. I let family and friends talk me out of pursuing that role, when I was in my twenties. Three years ago, God started putting this dream back on my heart and started opening doors for me. I was tasked to help start an aviation unit in my department and they trained me to fly the helicopters we acquired from the Army. Over the last three years, I was able to obtain my degree and continued with my masters while doing flight training and working. My love of flying has pushed me to accomplish these dreams I had many years ago. My dream is to fly fighters or the Apache but, after several conversations, it seems this is a tough road to accomplish this dream at my age. I have not fully given up on the Air Force route but I think my best bet would be flying in the Army. I have been working with the Army coach and he has helped me tremendously with contacts and guidance. I also have been working with the tutor Jeff Negus to help boost my scores. I am currently in the process of getting the asvab and Sift scheduled. Does anyone have any insight for study material or tips for the Sift test?