Thanks guys! I used really every quality resource I could find. I’ll share the links below. As far as the actual studying goes, I would go through a section and review every single page, even if I already knew the stuff on it, then do a practice test or two for that particular section. I would study any concept I missed a question on, not just the question itself. For example, if I missed a question on systems of equations, I studied systems of equations as a whole until I couldn’t miss any question about it again. After going through each individual section, I started doing full practice tests (all sections in one sitting for the few hours it took) and would follow the same review/remediation process on any questions I missed. It’s really important to not just study the specific questions you miss, but the actual concepts since the real test will have different questions, but on the same topics. Don’t just study until you can get the questions right, study until you can’t get them wrong!
The reason my Quantitative score is so low compared to the others is that I ran out of time on the arithmetic reasoning section. In practice, I was even finishing it faster than the allotted time. You’ll find that on test day, you probably won’t finish quite as fast as you do in practice, even if you simulate it as closely as possible in practice. When you’re doing the practice tests, time yourself with the real times and practice until you can comfortably finish a good bit of time left on each section. For the table reading section, I got to the point where I was finishing with about 30 seconds remaining while practicing, but the day of (both in a practice run of that section before I left the house and in the real test), I was bubbling the last answer as time ran out. If you’re not prepared to comfortably go faster than you need to, you can count on running out of time on game day.
Those are the biggest pieces of advice I have and in the interest of not writing too much of an essay, I’ll stop there ????. I’m happy to answer any further questions you guys have though!
Here are the books I used:
And here’s the official Air Force AFOQT prep materials: