
Ted_Lasso replied to the discussion Civil Path to Wings in Air National Guard in the forum Air Force 2 months ago
Civil Path to Wings in Air National Guard
As of right now, there is no program to “Skip B-course” and go straight to your aircraft. Everybody goes to UPT (which form varies) unless you transfer from a different branch of service, and even then you go to their version of UPT. No one knows what pilot training will look like in 4 years when you’re a senior in college so its a real 🤷♀️…
JVestal8 -
Ted_Lasso replied to the discussion For ANG/AFR are you stuck with your initial airframe for your whole career? in the forum Air Force a year ago
For ANG/AFR are you stuck with your initial airframe for your whole career?
You definitely can….more common would be transitioning to a different unit with the same A/C. But yes its possible. Common occurrence’s would be when units loose their flying mission and the pilots need to look elsewhere, or the unit itself transitions to a new airframe. In short, yes, but that means back to school and TX courses and all that jazz.
Ted_Lasso replied to the discussion Current Timeline to UPT in the forum Air Force Pilot Training (IFT, UPT, IFF, & FTU) a year ago
It all depends is the best answer. Even between hiring’s in the same unit. I went to pilot training with a Utah ANG dude, should ask around for the new guys at drill and see what their timeline was like.
Ted_Lasso replied to the discussion Heavies to Fighters in the forum Air Force a year ago
I know a guy who was hired at a heavy squadron, performed well in T6s (2.1 syllabus) and ended up going 38s because a fighter unit student washed out of UPT, and they needed to fill the slot. He was top stick and a good dude and after an interview they hired him. Took some coordination between his flight commander, the fighter squadron, and…