Joining Air Force Reserves - enlited vs officer
Thank you for your guidance! After going through the pros and cons you mentioned, I realize that I’m really focused on becoming a pilot in the Air Force Reserve and/ or airline. I’m not very interested in exploring enlisted roles since the benefits seem limited—mainly just the chance to bond with the unit—and I’m not guaranteed a pilot…
CAGE posted an update 2 hours ago
Joining Air Force Reserves - enlited vs officer
Thanks for your post! I see you’re already in the Army Guard so is your intent with going into the AFR to help align your goals with getting a pilot slot? I am assuming so.
First thing first, I always say joining shouldn’t solely be based on “it will get me a pilot slot” because that isn’t true. Going enlisted while trying to be picked…
Joining Air Force Reserves - enlited vs officer
Hello everyone,
I hope this message finds you well. I’m currently exploring my options regarding joining the Air Force Reserves and would appreciate your insights and experiences.
I’m still completing my bachelor’s degree and my Private Pilot License (PPL), with an expected completion date of June 2026. Given my timeline, I’m weighing the pros…
CAGE replied to the discussion Age Limit in the forum General Discussion 13 hours ago
Thanks for reaching out and hopefully I can help answer some of your questions. Age is a very difficult item when it comes to military aviation. I’ll answer your questions then try to expand as well.
1) For the age specifically the USAF for pilots is 33. I believe it was you must be “foot in the door at UPT” by 33 but believe there has…
CHAOS posted an update 16 hours ago
BD Baseball Fans,
Happy Opening Day!
Hopefully sooner than later you are leading a 4-ship over your hometown baseball stadium.
While not tactical, flyovers are definitely one of the perks of the job!
Go Cubs go, right?!
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Obviously, the UPT landscape is highly fluid at this point. The best thing for all of you future STUDs is to remain flexible and ready to crush whatever syllabus they put in front of you.
Welcome to the Air Force! lol
Just keep your cranium down, grind it out, and look forward to the smell of JP-8 in the morning in a short couple of years!
hunter-shaw and
CAGE are now connected a day ago
hunter-shaw replied to the discussion Age Limit in the forum General Discussion a day ago
I was wondering if i’d find anyone on here that has direct experience on a hiring board, or sponsoring an age waiver – so your comment stood out! I’m 32, just started my PPL and study prep for exams. Seems there are a handful of others pressed on time in similar “late bloomer” situations. After rushing my 1st unit, I have a…
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