Husky replied to the discussion Congress Asks ICAO to Increase Pilot Retirement Age in the forum General Discussion 5 weeks ago
Congress Asks ICAO to Increase Pilot Retirement Age
The rumors when I’m at my airline job is that they want to push it from 65 to 67 so a pretty small change. There’s precedent for it, in 2007 the age went from 60 to 65.
While the overall effect won’t be huge. It’s generally considered a ‘bad deal’ for the young pilots because it causes a two year plateau when seniority doesn’t move much. But…
Husky posted an update 5 weeks ago
Congrats to serveral BogiDopers who prefered to remain anonymous. Off to fly Air Force and Navy jets. Good luck on our folks doing great work while signature managing!
D.J. replied to the discussion Too early to apply? in the forum Air Force 5 weeks ago
Never to early to apply, edward! Getting your name and intent out there is the best thing for you or anyone else looking to get a UPT slot!
Things usually work out for a reason!
Best of luck to you! Let us know how we can help going forward!
UPT With Past Flying Experience
For those with prior flying experience, my advice to you is keep an open mind. It is tough to change your mindset, but the UPT syllabus is meant to teach people with little to no experience how to fly complex aircraft.
Trust the process and stay positive! (easier said then done, I know!)
JVestal8 -
wikz replied to the discussion Too early to apply? in the forum Air Force 5 weeks ago
hey Edward, I just finished talking about this with one of the pilots from my squadron. he told me that its always good to apply young, and you can even do it your senior year in college. like CAGE stated, getting that letter or a copy of your transcripts showing them that you’re on track to get your bachelors will suffice. I was thinking…
CAGE replied to the discussion Age Limit in the forum General Discussion 5 weeks ago
As far as age goes, it’s just a number. You can get hired at a unit at 24 or you can get hired at 31. I’ve seen and been a part of boards hiring people. Most important thing is to be all in because you have such a shorter window than most. You’ll have to sell yourself to units why your age isn’t a factor they need to think about. As I tell…
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