INTERVIEW PREP PACKAGE (eCourse + 1-on-1’s)

(66 customer reviews)



  • Two 1-on-1 Interview Preps via Zoom with a BogiDope Coach ($398 value)
  • Immediate and Lifetime Access to the Interview Prep eCourse ($169 value)
  • 75 mins of video instruction
  • 30 eCourse Lessons of Interview Advice and Example Answers
  • BogiDope Interview Question Bank




Think of all the hard work you’ve already put in throughout your journey to land your dream interview.  Regardless of if you are applying to UPT or a rated board, the college exams, AFOQT, flight time, upgrades, deployments, resumes, cover letters, networking, etc. add up to a lot of time, effort, and money.  This interview is the final hurdle standing between you and a life-altering multi-million-dollar career change, family stability, and/or that dream aircraft or location.  No pressure, right?

With so much to gain, is this really the time to wing it?  Of course not, yet many still try – and fail.  This will likely be the only hiring board that particular squadron has this year.  You can’t afford to squander your chances by a lack of preparation.

Let our expert staff help you make the most of your limited time in front of the hiring board.  With years of experience on both sides of the UPT and rated interview table in fighters, heavies, and airlines, we will set you up with a BogiDope Coach that best understands your personal goals.  Once assigned, your coach will guide you through the entire process, ensure all your questions are answered, and ultimately send you off to the interview more confident and prepared than ever before.

How the 1-on-1 Interview Prep Works:

  1. Interview Prep eCourse (self-study) – This course provides the foundation of all of the interview “best practices.”  It is packed with 30 lessons that will guide you through straight-to-the-point actionable advice on all the do’s, don’ts, and how-tos for knocking the interview out of the park.  This, along with the BogiDope Interview Question Bank (225 of the most commonly asked questions), will set your foundation for getting the most out of your 1-on-1 consultations.
  2. Schedule the Coach/Date/Time of Your Choosing 
  3. 1-on-1 Preliminary Mock Interview (60 mins) – We’ll start by ensuring you understand the basic concepts and form strategies for answering even the toughest questions relative to your unique strengths.  We’ll then spend the rest of the time evaluating your responses to the most common interview questions.  We ask a question, you answer, then we spend a few minutes providing actionable feedback on that answer before moving on to the next one.
  4. 1-on-1 Advanced Mock Interview (60 mins) – This is the practice game before the Super Bowl.  We’ll customize the questions we ask to the squadron you’re interviewing with and then critique each answer.  By the time you’re finished, you’ll feel significantly more confident and prepared for the real thing.

The BogiDope Interview Prep eCourse Covers:

  1. What to Expect at the Interview
  2. How to Avoid Common Pitfalls
  3. Nonverbal Communication
  4. What to Wear & Bring With You
  5. How to Structure Your Answers
  6. Video and Phone Interview Specifics
  7. Sample Answers to the Most Common Questions
  8. How to Rush a Squadron
  9. How to Handle Waivers and Skeletons in Your Closet
  10. Rated Pilot Specifics
  11. 200 of the Most Common UPT and Rated Interview Questions


66 reviews for INTERVIEW PREP PACKAGE (eCourse + 1-on-1’s)

  1. C-17 UPT Selectee

    Good morning sir, wanted to let you know I was selected for the ANG C-17 UPT pilot board! I really appreciate you taking the time help me with interview prep. It was a huge help.

  2. William Haug

    Outstanding interview prep! The online course and mock interview sessions are an absolute necessity for anyone trying to grab the ever-elusive UPT slot.

  3. Peter

    Bogidope is such a fantastic resource. I’ve used it for a few years now as the end of my Active Duty time has come closer (job board and interactive map specifically) to get an idea of Guard/Reserve squadron locations and how those would line up with an airline gig. I used the Interview Prep course and it helped immensely with understanding the Guard hiring process and with building confidence for what to expect on the day of the interview/rushing the unit. Shout out to DJ, who was a great one on one coach, answered all of my questions, and made sure I was ready to go on the day of the interview. Fantastic resource and if you’re looking to make the jump from Active duty to Guard/Reserve or join the unit from the beginning, BogieDope is well worth the investment.

  4. End of Course Survey Response

    BogiDope helped prepare my resume, cover letter, and overall packet in order for me to be as competitive as possible. I felt as if I was given all of the tools necessary to be successful on this journey to gaining a UPT slot. Without BogiDope, I’m not sure if I would have been given the opportunity to interview with my hometown squadron.

  5. End of Course Survey Response

    Mr. Haldopoulos “Snip” is top tier! Extremely knowledgable, has incredible attention to detail, and has so much Air Force / ANG experience that you can’t go wrong with his expertise. Highly recommend!

  6. Chris C

    Don’t let the price scare you. As a poor recent college grad spending all his money on flying, it was worth it. Don’t gamble a life changing opportunity on $300 something bucks. I think the course was useful, but I probably got 75% of my skills learned from the live sessions with DJ. Not only did the package help you build better answers to some of the guaranteed questions, but it also helped you build confidence in your answers as you have someone who’s been on the other side of the table critiques you. Do what he says because he’s showing you the path to success. It’s just in your hands to apply it to the best of your ability.

    Some additional tips I’d include that the course didn’t would be, get some nice plastic report folders with your application packet in there on nice resume paper. Hand those out when you get to the board and include and updates if you have them. I carried them all in a leather portfolio so that it wasn’t a mess.

  7. F-16 UPT Selectee

    I finally got hired to fly F-16s at my home unit after working with both SIC and SMAX. I had been getting interviews previously but I feel BogiDope was the extra push I needed to actually land the job and I appreciate all the support your company has given me along the way.

  8. F-16 UPT Selectee

    I did interview prep with SIC back in January and it helped tremendously. Although I didn’t get picked up after that interview, SIC was always cheering me on along the way. This past weekend I was picked up to fly F-16s for 2 different squadrons and I know I couldn’t have done it without the help of Bogidope, but more importantly without SIC. I’m so excited to have the opportunity to be part of the fighter community and even more excited to see what the future holds as I start the process to become a viper driver in the ANG. Thank you again!

  9. UPT-Select

    Selected to fly KC-135’s after working with D.J. for two sessions. He was very personable and delivered on-target, specific feedback that helped me along through the interview process. Highly recommend this consultation.

  10. F-35 UPT Selectee

    Just want to give a huge thanks to your team. I am an AD medic (IDMT) in an AD F-35 squadron and have been pursing a UPT slot for fighters for a little over a year now. I competed the BogiDope interview prep in July after “hooking” my first interview with another squadron earlier this year. Thanks to your course, and lots of preparation, I shacked my second interview and got the job! So much so that the Sq/CC that hired me said I was the top interviewee in their pool of over 15. This course was worth every penny and really highlighted what I was missing. I won the lottery and was hired by a current Viper, soon-to-be F-35 squadron in my home state. Thanks again!

  11. End of Session Survey Response

    SIC was an awesome guy, and taught me a great deal and gave very good advice. He definitely goes above and beyond to create a relationship rather than just tell you what to do.

  12. End of Session Survey Response

    I just want to thank SMAX for his time and insight. It may seem crazy to you guys, but being able to talk to a fighter pilot 1-on-1 is not something that most people have access to. I was able to identify and address some of the more subtle nuances in what I was saying and the way I was saying it to better connect with someone in the fighter community.

    I think the eCourse could be distilled into 5-10 key points that would take significantly less time to address. There are certainly some nuggets in there that you wouldn’t know if you weren’t in the FS community, but most of the information is simply common sense; although, maybe common sense isn’t as common as I think.

    I see the 1-on-1 sessions as the real value in this package, and I feel like $99/hr is a reasonable price to pay for that. For this package, I would have liked to see at least 3 hours of counseling for that price.

  13. F-16 UPT Selectee

    Highly recommend the interview prep course. I interviewed at two different squadrons – one I went in preparing just by myself and the second one I caved and purchased this package. It was a night and day difference, and definitely was the tipping point as to why I landed a slot flying F-16s. Cannot recommend DJ enough. Since I was applying for a fighter position, I was expecting to be paired up with a coach who had a fighter background. Instead, due to a tight timeframe, I scheduled a coach with a different background, but I’m glad I did not let my hesitation prevent me from continuing. BogiDope teaches the interview process – this is applicable to all squadrons, and was far more critical and helpful in the end. DJ went above and beyond to prepare me for my interview, gave me frank, helpful advice on every answer, and was motivating and encouraging every step of the way. The support team at BogiDope has always been extremely responsive and helpful, and this course will be well worth your money when you get that call saying you got the job.

  14. F-16 UPT Selectee

    I got hired to fly F-16s! Thanks so much for your help with interview prep – made a world of difference in how I was able to present my story. Super excited!!

  15. Unknown Member

    Entering the process to become an officer and pilot in the military is an extremely intimidating task. I had no idea what I was getting into, and as soon as I received my first interview I enrolled in the interview prep course through BogiDope. I can wholeheartedly say Bogidope was instrumental in making my dreams come true. I was selected to fly the C-17 in the reserves 2 hours from my hometown, and couldn’t be happier. I promise Bogidope will prepare you for any question they throw at you and you’ll be the most prepared man or woman in the room.

  16. End of Session Survey Response

    Nikki was very well prepared, and was very flexible with my timing. Fantastic feedback, helped me craft my answers which helped me get the job.

  17. End of Session Survey Response

    BogiDope has been super helpful in the process of learning more about the Guard and has provided a clearer picture of what that process looks like. I would highly recommend them if you plan on applying or interviewing with a unit. It’s a must!

  18. F-15 UPT Selectee

    I just got the call that I was selected for F15Cs. I’m absolutely thrilled! All the applicants I interviewed with used bogidope at some point in preparation for this interview. I know we all went in knowing we did everything we could.

    Bogidope gave me the peace of mind that I did everything I could to get that coveted slot. The mentorship and guidance helped me articulate and find the balance of polished and candid and ensure that I was putting forth the best packet I could. Thank you Nikki and bogidope!

  19. End of Session Survey Response

    I came in thinking I was ready, I was not. Squadron interview has not happened yet but even after one practice session and looking over the recording I knew there was so much to work on and DJs lesson is a life saver. Everything DJ talked about was clear and made alot of sense. DJ is an outstanding coach.

    Even after one interview prep session DJ has completely changed my thought process and preparation for my interview. His knowledge and advice is invaluable and Im very happy I decided to spend the money. Would highly recommend the interview prep and especially DJ!

  20. C-130 UPT Selectee

    Looks like I’m going to UPT! I finally did it! Couldn’t have done it without DJ!

  21. End of Session Survey Response

    This service is not cheap and for good reason. The short amount of time you sit in front of the board may be the difference between a go/no-go. You will feel much more confident in your answers and how to really respond to the question being asked. The coaches/mentors know their stuff from experience and will get you to a place you need to have your best shot in the interview. Do yourself a favor, spend the money and be as ready as you possibly can for a chance at a life-changing career.

    Having sat through a number of pilot boards, I could tell DJ knew his stuff. Even though this service was expensive, DJ told it like it is and straightened my answers out to where they needed to be and not what I wanted to hear. I appreciated the candid feedback which really helped get to me to the right place on my responses.

    DJ said up front he would give me the truth and what was good/bad/ugly and boy did he deliver! Seriously, I felt way better about my chances after having sat through 2 hours of coaching from him.

    The existing courses, the question bank, and the professionalism of the staff were spot on. Exceeded my expectations.

  22. C-130 UPT Selectee

    I had the interview yesterday and found out shortly afterwards I got picked up. I really appreciate DJ’s help prepping for it. It was pretty straightforward and didn’t have any surprises. Thanks again!

  23. Thomas Hartshorn

    Got selected to fly C-130’s with my hometown unit and have Bogidope to thank for my success! Both the eCourse and interview prep with DJ left me feeling extremely prepared and confident for my interview. DJ did an amazing job coaching me
    on how to incorporate the background and traits I possess to effectively answer questions that the board would ask. The amount of value you get from this service is well worth the price and I would highly recommend it. You guys are awesome and thanks for the help!

  24. End of Course Survey Response

    I got hired to fly C-130’s on my first interview! I honestly believe I got the job because of BogiDope’s eCourses and interview prep sessions. It really prepared me for what to expect come interview day and I was ready for everything. DJ is amazing!! He really helped me sharpen my interview skills and helped me formulate a plan with how to structure my answers. Even if I was asked a specific question that we hadn’t covered in our sessions (we already practiced almost every question I was asked in the interview), we had created a gameplan to refer back to so that I could answer anything. That was a huge confidence boost to help me feel prepared and I would’ve been lost if I interviewed without those sessions. DJ helped me look at my background and really squeeze as much value out of it as possible and help me present myself as a competitive candidate. He’s a lifesaver!

  25. AD OTS Selectee

    I was able to be selected for an Active Duty pilot slot! Thank you for your Bogidope guidance and encouragement!

  26. A-10 UPT Selectee

    Thank you so much for helping this dream come true. Working with SIC through BogiDope has been a great experience and I really think the work we did was instrumental in getting hired.

  27. End of Course Survey Response

    Signing up/scheduling the interview prep and paying for the service are two different actions on the website. Once a member schedules a session with a coach, they have to navigate to the products page to pay. Streamlined (schedule and pay) would make it easier.

    I liked the video examples of answers (in the eCourse) to the big common questions.

    Biggs was great on taking notes from our first session and comparing them with our practice during our second session. Appreciated the recordings of our sessions. Every question I had in my interview we had reviewed in the prep.

  28. End of Course Survey Response

    SIC was awesome and helped me a ton.

    The help I received makes me wish I would have done this last year before an interview. Very well put together and great insight.

  29. End of Course Survey Response

    Alex was extremely helpful!! The session was perfect! Only complaint was the question bank document is a little fuzzy / low quality. It would be great if it could be updated!

  30. F-22 UPT Selectee

    I’m going be a F-22 Raptor pilot back home in Hawaii! I’m absolutely fired up about the opportunity and I’ll forever appreciate the help SIC lent me.

    The interview went awesome and I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to work with you. I felt calm, cool, and confident throughout it and I can directly attribute our time spent together towards that. Everything just felt natural.

    I’m thankful for BogiDope and I’ll be leaving high praise to anyone I speak with.

  31. A-10 UPT Selectee

    Just got the call that I will be apart of the next generation of Hog drivers. I want to thank SIC for his time in coaching me, it obviously helped me achieve my dream. I’m still shaking with excitement for the future.

  32. End of Course Survey Response

    Nikki was awesome she gave me the tools that I needed to feel much more confident going into this interview than I would have otherwise. I would have paid more for the help I received!

  33. End of Course Survey Response

    DUK gave me some of his experiences and some things he’s seen in his time being a coach. Extremely helpful and made me feel much more prepared for the interview.

  34. C-17 UPT Selectee

    Just wanted to thank you folks for this program, I was recently selected for a C-17 position in the guard. I got it on my 1st interview with my home station, definitely could not have done it without you folks. I prepared for the interview with a fighter pilot mentality, however my #1 choice was to fly the C-17. With DJ being the perfect coach for my option, he taught me how to strategically present myself. I firmly believe you have one shot to prove yourself to the boards, bogidope will 110% prepare you for that chance of a lifetime.

  35. A-10 UPT Selectee

    Biggs was focused on the little details that creates the whole picture. He helped me get my timing right for all of my softball questions and made sure I had a good selection of stories to answer the curveballs. I also had issues with a low GPA and we hammered out a strong answer.

    As for the price, I believe the interview prep ecourse is a little high at $169 on its own for how broad some of the information can be. However, with this package the money is made with the 1-on-1’s and I think you could charge more for that.

    Because of Bogidope’s and Bigg’s help, I got hired to fly A-10’s. The entire package was an outstanding resource to help prepare for the interview. I know I had a leg up on some of my competition because of this course, and I will recommend everything bogidope offers to anyone interested in becoming a military pilot.

  36. End of Course Survey Response

    Nick couldn’t have been a better pick or coach for this interview. Just the man I needed.

  37. End of Course Survey Response

    DJ has had many years spent as part of the Air National Guard and it showed. He provided very useful information that was very similar to what I experienced in my interview. I felt way more prepared after the first interview prep class and even more so after completing subsequent interview preps.

  38. End of Course Survey Response

    Snip was very knowledgeable. I wish I could give more than 5 stars.

    Working around a schedule can be tough. I’d like to see one calendar that lists who can work each day instead of hunting through each person’s profile.

  39. End of Course Survey Response

    I will say that Mr. Jeff Durbin and Mr. Alex Haldopoulos had different tactics on how to approach the interview. Alex’s strategy ended up being most in line with my personality and goals and was why I ended up doing an additional session with him. I think it would be helpful if in the bios of each coach there was a snippet about their strategy for winning an interview or a short video clip that gave a better sense of their personalities. I initially chose the slots that worked best with my schedule regardless of who the coach was, but am so glad I had the opportunity to work with both of them!

  40. End of Course Survey Response

    The Interview Prep E-Course and the 1-on-1 coaching with David Spisso truly helped me to feel prepared for interview day. Instead of walking into the interview hoping that I had prepared properly, I knew that I was confident and ready thanks to Bogidope!

  41. End of Course Survey Response

    DJ is incredible. Has it together.

  42. End of Course Survey Response

    DJ and the Bogidope crew are life changers! I had a few interviews prior to purchasing the course. I completed the course, and my next interview the following week I was hired! The insight is invaluable and the feedback/recommendations are spot on! Can’t describe in words how beneficial this course is. Applicants, buy the course!! Thanks DJ!

  43. End of Course Survey Response

    The BogiDope interview prep course overall seems only slightly overpriced for what you get in the course itself. The videos are fairly short (4-6 minutes average) and there was only a minor addition to the context. HOWEVER, the question bank and the 1-on-1 interviews are absolutely the crux of this particular eCourse. These are absolutely key and are amazing tools for anyone’s kitbag. Maintaining access to the eCourse will mean that I will continue to refer to the awesome context for future interviews!

  44. End of Course Survey Response

    BogiDope is amazing and their services are absolutely necessary for securing a UPT slot with Guard/Reserve units as they are unlike any other job interview.

    Snip is all the way around outstanding. I would have paid more for the help I received!

  45. C-130 UPT Selectee

    I got selected for a C-130 unit near my home town. I really appreciate DJ’s help with interview prep, I can’t tell you how much better of an applicant it has made me. They said my interview dazzled the Board and I couldn’t have done it without the help.

  46. F-15 UPT Selectee

    Snip was great! He was very responsive, friendly, and he went the extra mile to help get me prepared!

  47. C-130 UPT Selectee

    The interviews went awesome. I accepted the job at the (C-130 squadron). Thank you for all of your help. Every question that we went over in the interview prep was what was asked by both boards.

  48. End of Course Survey Response

    157 applicants (about 20 interviewees) for one pilot slot and two nav slots. I found out a few days later that they had permission to hire a second pilot. I was selected for a pilot slot.

    Thank you for your help. The prep course and your mock interviews were absolutely worth it. I know we ran longer than the scheduled time slots, and I appreciate your extra time and effort.

  49. End of Course Survey Response

    Snip is awesome! Extremely helpful and accommodating!

  50. End of Course Survey Response

    Alex was an awesome coach! I feel 100 times more ready for my interview after our two sessions together. Top quality.

  51. Jeremy Hicks

    I worked with Biggs, and I would *highly* recommend him, and this entire program in general. I was one of the candidates getting a bit long in the tooth age-wise, but a benefit of that is a lot of civilian work experience, especially with interviewing. While, in general, I feel like communication is one of my stronger skill sets, this course taught me how to take that skill set not just to the next level, but up multiple levels (read: I wasn’t nearly as polished as I thought I was). I left my interview feeling confident–I kid you not: I did multiple fist pumps in their bathroom mirror afterwards to release the excitement and energy–and I was blessed to end up getting a true dream slot with a unit and mission I love. I couldn’t have done it without this course.

    The key things I want to drive home are these:

    1. If you want to be a pilot, odds are, you’ve already spent several thousands of dollars in flight training and such. And as a Guard or Reserve applicant, you’re likely going to spend $10K+ on working through your PPL, traveling to rush units, mailing packages, traveling to interview, etc. Some of the best advice I’ve received is–in business and in leisure–don’t balk in the margins. What that means is, if you’re already spending $10k+ on something, what’s another $300 towards your life’s dream? I say all of that to say, DON’T LET THE PRICE TAG GIVE YOU PAUSE. BUY THIS. PERIOD. The value of the online content paired with the mock interviews is worth multiples more than what they’re charging.

    2. You may be tempted to skip the online content and just focus on the interviews–DON’T. Read through *all* of it. I referenced it before and after my actual mock interviews and it’s great content that will really help you hone in your interview craft. You may only get one shot at an interview, and you’ve already paid for the content at this point, so you may as well get the most out of it!

    3. The way they help you take your lift experiences and coach you on how to tie those into strengths, and to give quality, engaging answers is ::chef’s kiss::. I’ll leave it at that–I don’t want to encroach into trade secret territory and giving away their content for free–but *this* is the aspect I felt takes you to another planet. Biggs coached me through this, helped me choose quality stories, and helped me understand how those not only answer questions but help me show I could be of value/a good fit with the unit, too.

    If you’re a Guard/Reserve candidate and you’re reading this and you’ve got an interview coming up, just buy this service. Period. It will be some of the best money you’ve ever spent, I promise you.

  52. End of Course Survey Response

    DJ was very generous with his time! Ensured that each interview prep session was completed to standard, not to time. Thank you for filling in the niche of military board preparations!

  53. F-16 UPT Selectee

    Just wanted to let you know that I received a pilot slot with the 119th FS in the NJANG. Thank you so much for your help and I look forward to joining the F-16 community!

  54. End of Course Survey Response

    Snip was great! Went way above and beyond to help me get prepared for multiple different fighter interviews.

    I was hesitant about the price tag at first, but the prep was worth it’s weight in gold for helping me get out of my shell and learn how to confidently show off my achievements and why I would be the best guy for the job. I’ve recommended it to all of my friends that are applying as well- can’t say enough good things!

    One small thought would be maybe a little more instruction for units that require a personal pre-recorded video as one of the interview phases. 99% of the info is covered in the “Tell Me About Yourself” question prep stuff, but maybe some specifics on what not to do when you’re recording or other ways to stand out but keep the video professional.

  55. End of Course Survey Response

    I would recommend Alex “Biggs” to anyone using Bogidope. Very professional, friendly but direct in how to best the most prepared applicant possible.

  56. F-16 UPT Selectee

    Just wanted to say thank you for all the help. I couldn’t have done it without your advice. I got hired in toledo. Now on to the next steps for me. Thanks again

  57. F-16 UPT Selectee

    I worked with snip for two sessions. Just got picked up as a Primary UPT candidate at an F-16 unit. Here’s my feedback:

    1.) I really enjoyed Snip, I felt like he was on my team. He’s great at offering actionable critiques civilly. He also went over the prescribed time both sessions which was again evidence that he was for me.

    2.) While there is no way to prepare for everything, I thought that the structure of the question bank forced me to get my stories together to help paint a clear, inspiring and genuine, picture to the board members. Good on BD for that.

    3.) The questions packet was a good tool and so was the interview packet. Again, I felt there was no way to be prepared for all questions but the question bank got my gears turning.

    4.) Honestly, overall I am very satisfied with BD services— even after my first interview in SD two weeks ago, which I was not selected for, I felt prepared.

  58. End of Course Survey Response

    Alex was great and gave really good feedback.

  59. Tom B

    I had my first interview this past weekend with the South Dakota ANG, and got the call yesterday that I got the job! I bought the interview prep package and worked with Snip for both sessions. I cannot express to you how grateful I am for the service you guys are providing and Snip’s guidance. I had done a ton of studying and preparing on my own for the interview, and considered not purchasing any professional services, but boy am I glad I did. I think I was on the right track and had some decent responses, but working with Snip really helped refine my approach and gave me a ton more confidence going into the interview. So, thank you guys so much for helping guys like me land their absolute dream job. Down the road if I ever run across anyone who is looking at the Guard, I will absolutely point them towards BogiDope and Snip.

  60. Michael R

    I got an offer at the 301st RQS in Florida. I can’t even begin to tell you what a huge relief it is to be finally have a concrete offer somewhere. I have no doubt your feedback helped me not hook that interview.

  61. End of Course Survey Response

    D.J. took the time to work on my overall approach and thought process concerning the interview. That was the game changer – being able to reframe my attitude about the interview and pitch to the board. I appreciated that he genuinely cared and took the time to figure out where I was at. Then he tailored his criticisms and advice to what he saw would make the biggest difference.

  62. TSgt G

    Dover picked me up for UPT flying the C-17. Thanks a lot for your help!

    Thanks again and thank you for making such an awesome website. It really helped in my search for squadrons that are hiring. I recommend it to anyone I talk to who’s interesting in becoming a military aviator.

  63. End of Course Survey Response

    Flexibility of the schedule/available times was extremely helpful for me since my full time job is a shift worker. Thank you for all the help.

  64. End of Course Survey Response

    I loved the way the mock interview was conducted. Feedback after every question was helpful instead of waiting until the very end and doing it all at once. Great format.

    I felt really confident walking into the interview. No matter the question asked, I had an answer. Both Slap and Bender were super chill which helped facilitate a productive conversation.

    I will do my best to spread the word of the services that BogiDope offers.

  65. End of Course Survey Response

    I scheduled the prep as soon as I landed my first interview with a fighter squadron. I got the job. BogiDope helped me frame my experiences into a cohesive pitch that was honest and impactful.

    Objectively, my interview strategy and skills were improved. Subjectively, the Interview Prep made me walk in with high confidence.

    If you land an interview, this consult is a no brainer.

  66. End of Course Survey Response

    I was really glad I did the interview prep package and would have paid more, though I’m not sure I would have thought the same thing before going through it. I only realized how useful it was after going through the process and an interview and having the interview match up very closely with the prep.

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